Chapter five

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"No guys I need you to put his name in the center on this wall, so when people walk in they see his name lord make this right"

I've been at this big hall that I rented for Micaiah all day trying to get everything perfect but you know things aren't working out yet

*2 hours later*

"yes yes finally this is good this looks perfect"

I looked at the hall it's perfect. We had a couple of problems but it's all good now, but now I have to leave so I can get enough sleep for tomorrow night.

plus I need to find out what Nicole is going to do. If she is going come or not I hope she does so we can get this twin situation over with.

As I was in the car omw home I called Nicole to ask about her coming

-phone convo-

"hello? "

"hey Nicole I called to ask if you made up your mind to come to Micaiah party"

"oh yea I couldn't forget about something like this umm yea I'll come so we can hurry up and get this twin situation over with"

"yes! ok cool i was thinking the same thing Micaiah's going to be so happy that your coming"

"I'm happy that I made the decision to come and not puss out"

We both laughed

"Alright Nicole I gotta go make sure my outfit is set up for tomorrow night so I'll see you tomorrow"

"ok I have to do that same thing, love you"

"love you too bye"

Right as I hung up my driver opened the door for me to get out.
I thanked him and started walking to the house.

I had a nice size house five bedrooms, four bathrooms and a half, nice sized kitchen same as the living room and dining room, and a furnished basement, and did I mention a four door grange.

This was the first house I brought when I got my first big check. After that I learned that I needed to save money and that's what I'm still doing.

When it comes to my money I don't play!

When I got in I ran up stairs to my room into my walk in closet and started picking an outfit out for tomorrow


After hanging up with Nicki I can admit.. that hell yeah I'm nervous about tomorrow this is going to be the day that starts all the stuff I don't want. The main thing is paparazzi I don't like when people take pictures of me with out my permission.

But I need to cope with it for the sake of Onika and I relationship.

I got up and looked threw my hotel closet that at the new cloths I brought a few days ago choosing an outfit then laid it out on the chair at the table

There was a knock at the door going over to answer it it was my friend.

Michael was all African American and has light caramel colored skin with Hazel eyes and he had long fresh dreads.

he's my best friend, he's the first friend I made when I first moved to New York he lives next door to me and he knows everything about me and I know everything about him we've been together threw thick and thin when he cried I was there and same with me.

"hey Micky"
I hugged him then pulled away

"hey I see that your ready to go"
He said as he looked down at my outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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