The Urban Legend

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It was on the year 2004 when the horrifying news about the death of a student spreads throughout the whole city of Ekaterina. It happened on one of its famous universities.

Her name is Lucy Carmel. She was very popular in school that she was even hailed as the Campus Queen. She was the smartest, the most beautiful, and the richest girl on St. Gregory University.

Lucy has a very long, black hair. A pair of brown eyes, and a very white, smooth skin. Her face was so pretty, and she was one of the daughter of the richest family in the city. In short, she was almost perfect.
Because of that, many people idolized her and looked up to her as a role model. But also, many people also dislike her out of enviousness and insecurity.

Lucy chased after her dreams for 16 years. It ended after one tragic incident that the school refused to tell. After that, their reputation was endangered, and many students and parents were horrified by what happened.
Lucy's corpse was just found on the back of the Senior building. Based on the investigations, she fell out from the rooftop of that building. Her body was found with so much bloodstains on her school uniform, and her skull was cracked. Many amounts of blood were splattered all over the ground where she died. Investigations group discovered a bloody diary that Lucy was clutching. The school wrote on that diary the words, "In Loving Memory of Lucy Carmel" and hid it deep inside the senior building as proof that their most excelling student existed in their history.

After two years, the place where she died, the classroom where she studied, and the rooftop of the senior building was closed and abandoned. No one ever cared about Lucy and the truth of her death.

But, for an unknown reason, it was rumored that the ghost of Lucy Carmel haunts the school, begging for help, or if not, harms the students. No one ever dared to know the truth of her tragic death, and to anyone who witnesses her ghostly presence, they suffered from traumatic distress and nervous breakdowns.

The appearance of Lucy's ghost is said to be transparent in form, she was moaning and crying for help, her whole body was covered with blood, her eyes were pure dark and she was crying not with tears but with her blood. Her skin was very pale that added to her horrifying image.

Will anyone save her at all and exert the effort to know the truth?

Prepare. You are about to enter the world of infinite horror.

In Loving Memory Of Lucy CarmelWhere stories live. Discover now