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Chapter 15: Diamonds

Mark's pov

I remember her limp body in the hospital bed. The beeping if her heart, her softly beating heart. I was the only person who visited her, not even Dani came. The doctor walked in and I stood up rubbing my chin. "Mr.Fishbach I have the report"

"And?" I asked filled with anxiety.

"Well she's in a coma and her legs, rib cage, and neck are broken. She had a punctured lung. She was also -"


There was nothing. Her heart stopped. I stared. There was no noise as cpr was being operated. She was gone. The last thing I did was hurt her.


Black suit and tie, holding the necklace I drove to the funeral. I was the only one there. Not even her mom showed up. I cried through the service and all the way to the cemetery.

Standing over two graves I kissed (y/n)'s and looked at the other to hug it. Through tears I whispered "I'm sorry you never got to live, it's all my fault... I'm sorry and I love you... Matthew"

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