Please Read

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Hi! Looking at this means you are actually reading this Art Book. 😀😁😂😄😆... I have a few things that I'd like to clarify.

1. I'll take any requests as long as I find them good. I won't take that much if you start message spamming about the same thing all over again. (Unless I have already decided to do it then it's on my to-do-list even before spam. I may reply or not depending.)

2. May. Contain. Ship. Art. (I am one for ships... But not all ships.) OvO

3. Pls do not steal the Art. I may put a signature but that isn't an excuse. Don't even accuse me of stealing. I promise I'll be honest while making my art. If I get anything online I'm giving out a link and If I'm too lazy I'll just say the Art isn't my own.
(I'll be watching yousse... 👀😾)

4. I may decide that I'll draw an OC for you guys every now and then. If I'm interested. I'll probably put out an own OC or two every now and then. Unless wanted, a character description.

5. This part only applies to my MLP art. I might also do a cutie mark inspiration thing. Depends.

6. Maybe... Even... Fanart!!! And some chiz I doodle in study hall. Eh, who cares? Neon Loves... REVOLUTION!!! ✊😼😈

7. I'm already doing fanart as we speak getting ideas from friends.

8. I. Can. Do... YOUTUBE VID!!! Lol I might bring something out. Give a like won't you?

9. Voting contests may happen as time continues.

10. And finally... After so much rambling... Enjoy the art book!!!


(P.S. You will know at least half my name by my signatures.)

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