Chapter 7

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This is how I got info about the Rae family.


It was the history period and I was bored. History was definitely a mystery. When I was absolutely bored to death , something made me sit up.

"Well...we have something interesting in store for you all" My history teacher said in an accent which seemed  to me as mysterious as History. "We are gonna collectively decide who has the best history project on Nazism and the person who wins will be partcipating in an inter school history competion where he has to present the project"  

We voted for the best.and vouched for many but there was absolutely no dearth of interesting projects. Soon the day arrrived. Our History teacher announced the results."Uhm..It was very difficult choosing the best and we have come to a deadlock. But maybe we can do something. We will decide upon the best 3 and the 3 persons concerned will have to merge their projects and come up with a combined presentation and those 3 can then present their work collectively" There was an effective gasp. "and the three we have decided upon are, Oorja,Pratishtha and Vishnupriya."

There was a period of silence. Then applause. We were geared up. Looking forward for the competiton to be held at KR MANGALAM SCHOOL,GREATER KAILASH.

I combined the information as one,Pratishtha did the editing and Oorja did the presentation.I did not forget to add nuances of Anne frank's struggle as a teenager. She inspired me and so did Meetanjali Rae.

The Big day came.We rode to KR mangalam accompanied by our History teacher.

As we took our seats,we examined the school. Beautiful. Some instrumental music was being played at the background. The dias was decorated. The podium,the stage and even the seats looked posh. The auditorium was amazing. There was a projector and a laptop for those who wished to present their info as a powerpoint presentation. After a few acts where the children asserted the importance of History,our name was called. "....Now I invite Oorja, pratishtha and Vishnupriya on the dias."The enthusiatic anchor called out. We went on the dias,prepared. Pratishtha to intiate the presentation,Oorja to take it forward and I , to end it.

"All the best" My history teacher said.

As the applause broke out. We started the presentation.

"Goodmorning one and all.We, pratishtha,oorja and Vishnupriya are here to present an endearing story of a girl who was caught in the cruel web of Nazism.But nonetheless kept the spirit alive...."Pratishtha commenced. Remarkable orator. And I am not exaggerating. When she was done.Oorja took it forward. Her presentation was amazing. And I am definitely not exaggerating.Then came me. God. I let out a few breaths and started. I stumbled. The words came out unclear.I wanted to run away. I started sweating even in an Air conditioned room. I was only existent to spoil everything. But... something surged inside me. Anger,confidence,pride. Why couldn't I speak when I had so much to say. No! I had to say it. I took on the mike and spoke.Nazi attrocities.Their cruel ways.A girl who died when she hadn't even seen what the world was like. Her problems,Her mannerisms.......Her teenage life....I did not even omit the infatuations part.I had to say it. I related my life with hers. "She inspired me to live despite my problems. History is more than a past.It teaches us not to commit the same mistakes all over again.But being humans, we commit the same mistakes and History repeats itself all over again"

 The last line came out unintended,which took me by surprise.I felt so satisfied.We walked down the dias to a roaring applause.I could see some people stiffling tears.Even I was crying.Maybe life was too much that I let myself out. Maybe it was more than I could bear. But now I was empty.and happy.

After, all the acts got over.The results were announced. The anchor stepped on the dias with a white paper."The acts were mesmerizing.They effectively brought out the richness of history.The one which caught me off guard was the line spoken-'being humans we commit the same mistakes and History repeats itself all over again.'Well...yes.It's quite true.Being humans.By now you may have suspected who the winners are- The red cross public school!"

We knew it! After some hi-fiving we went onto the dias.Received our prizes and were congratulated.

 Soon after, we were at the place from where we started.

 Before leaving,a man clad in a blue suit had come to talk to my history teacher.As he talked something bothered me.

Now I realized what was it.His accent 

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