chapter 2

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I took my book and sat in the corner of my bedroom.The words were captivating..."diary of a young girl"...interesting. I started the first chapter....uhm..nice...

"Vishnu!" my mom called out. I immediately stood up. Gods...she would be angry if she sees me reading a book. She constantly disapproved of my reading books especially when I was in my 10th grade.Afterall, it was a time to concentrate on careers not on books.

"Can't you read french? or do maths?why should you be always clutching a book that that has absolutely no relation to  your school textbooks?' she reprimanded.

"It's for my school project..." I replied in a rather disinterested tone.She looked at me and then walked away.'Incorrigible' i heard her say.I was angry. Why did she hate me so much as If I had done something wrong? This had to be sorted out. Fast.

I resumed reading my book. A few hours passed. I wasn't even aware of the time. The dinner time had also passed.I was engaged in my book.

And then something struck me like a lightning bolt. It was a realization.

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