Chapter 19

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Charlie's POV

I awake the next morning to a knocking on the door. I get out of Oliver's arms remembering everything last night. I put on a robe over my pjs. He must have changed me. I get out of his arms and go open the door. A small girl who looks black and blue stands there. I smile at her and ask her to come in. She looks around skittish. I bring her over to the couch. I pull her into my arms and whisper soothing things into her ear. She calms down. I hold her until she starts to speak. "I'm Marie I heard from a boy to come to you. He said you would know what todo. My foster parents they beat me. I decided to run away. I'm sixteen. I don't know what todo. Please help me." I smile at her before asking when was the last time she ate. She said a couple days ago. I hurried into the kitchen and made a big breakfast.

I set the table with three plates. I ask her to come into the bathroom with me. She follows as I pull out the first aid kit. I ask her what hurts the most. She says her ribs. I quickly wrap them up. I couldn't do anything for the bruises but I got some ice for the soon to be black eye she's sporting. I tell her to sit at the table as I make two plates. I smile at her. She looks around at the pictures and everything. I notice her confusion. I giggle at her and say "those are my roommates. The boys name is Daniel and the girls name is Annette. They allow me to live here but I'm looking for a place to finally call my own."

I look at the girl and say "so whats your story. I'll tell mine if you tell me yours." She nods her head and I start.

"I never knew my father so me and my brother couldn't get shipped there. My mother died when I was younger. Me and my brother were put into the system. They split us up after a couple years. I found him again when I was eighteen. I spent my whole life in the system. I was in and out of houses. Getting beaten up by the parents or the others in the house. I would always protect the little ones. They could have the good life you know. They could still find a home. I knew I was never going to get adopted. I aged out and left the house. I was the only one in there."

She starts her story "I was ten when I went into the system. My mom tried to take care of me but one day she dropped me off at a police station and left. I was put into the system. I went to a couple nice families but I was moved soon after a while. I was good and have never done anything. I met a boy though he was a player and one thing lead to another and we slept together. I was moved short after and the second the family I stayed with hit me I booked it. I had found out I'm pregnant and I just knew I had to leave and make a life with my child."

By the end of her story I was shocked. I felt so bad for this poor girl. I smiled and said "well it's your lucky day. I know we don't know each other that well I will help you. Now you need some help right. We first need to get you a job. And if you would like I'd love it if you moved in with me. I'm going apartment hunting with a friend so you should come to. I have money saved up and you can get a job whenever you want. Now do you want to take a shower. I have some clothes you can borrow."

I show her the bathroom. I then go and grab some clothes for Marie. I set them in the bathroom and then went into my bedroom. I jump on Oliver to wake him up. He startles awake. I giggle a little at him before telling him there's breakfast in the kitchen. He hightailed it to the kitchen and I get dressed. I dress in some jeans and a sweatshirt. I hurry and wait in the living room for Marie. I snuggle into Oliver on the couch as he eats breakfast. When I see Marie come in I smile at her and invite her on the couch.

I ask her about her baby more. She said it was to soon to tell anything but she was definitely keeping the baby and raising it. She also said she would never leave the baby and give it the life she's never had. I smile at her and say "so I usually work on the weekdays and have the weekends free. I'll take care of the apartment hunting. We will decide where to live together I promise. I won't leave you. Now I just want to know. You won't fuck me over right." She shakes her head no. I smile at her and gives hug. I look at the calendar to see we have two days until the happy couple come back.

I sigh as I look at the time. It's about 11am. I get out of Oliver's arms and go clean up the kitchen. I finish quickly and put on some music. Uh we need food. I yell to the twos that I'll be back later. I walk to the grocery store. I look at the list to see things we need. I grab everything. I pay for it and walk home with two bags under each arm. Someone holds the door for me. I thank him and head into the building. I walk up the stairs. I grab my keys and open the door. I see that Marie was taking a nap on the couch. I put everything away and see a note on the counter. It says

Dear Charlie

I had to go back to the pack house. I will bring apartment listings and such for you guys to check out. I will see you tonight. We still have some stuff to talk about.

Love Oliver

I put his letter in my pocket. He really is to sweet. I'm so lucky to have him as my mate. I look around and see this place is a mess. I wanted to clean the whole apartment before they came back. I grab the cleaning stuff and start with the kitchen. I finish up the everywhere soon enough. I collapse on my bed. I curl up and take a nap.

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