Chapter 9

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Charlie's POV

Tonight's the night of my date with Oliver. I got off early like I usually do on Friday. Annette helped me pick out what to wear. We went shopping earlier in the week and found something nice to wear. (Outfit up top minus hat) I really liked it. I took a shower shaving everything I needed to and washed my hair. I stepped out and went into my room. My first date ever.

Annette came in. She insisted on doing my hair and makeup. I usually don't wear makeup but Annette wanted to. She blowdried my hair and then curled it. I thanked her before shooing her out so I could put my clothes on. I looked into the mirror and almost gasp. I looked pretty good. I grab my bag as I hear the doorbell go off. I walk down the hall towards the door. I smile at Oliver. I take his hand and say goodbye.

He leads me to his car. He opens the door for me. I thank him before sliding in. He starts to drive. I ask him where were going but he won't say. He says it's a surprise. I smile at him. I like him. We listen to some music on the way. We both have the same taste. R&B and rap. We arrive at a nice restaurant. I exit the car grabbing my purse. We walk inside and I admire how nice it is. A waiter leads us to a table. I thank him. We look over our menu's. The waiter comes over and takes our orders. He grabs our menu's. We sit in silence for a couple minutes as he stares at me. I decide to strike up a conversation with him. "So what kinda work do you do?" He smiles at me before saying
(C-bold, O-Italics)
"I own a business. Not this restaurant but another. What do you do?"
"I work as an receptionist at the dentist in town. Not super cool but it's a job."
"I find it super cool. Don't worry."
"So how do you know Daniel and Annette?"
"They are close friends of my family. How do you know them?"
"Daniel and I were friends when I was younger. I just met Annette when I crashed on there couch."
"Oh cool."

They brought the food out.

"So any brothers or sisters?"
"Yeah I have a little brother named Jacob. He lives in town."
"Cool what about your parents?"
"Um my mom died when I was little and I don't know who my father is."

**************skip to end of date*************

We arrive at my apartment. He walks me to the apartment door. I thank him for the date and go to unlock the door. I quickly peck his cheek before slipping inside. I lean against the door. I smile a real smile. I'm interrupted by a cough. I look up to see Daniel in his pajamas with a cup in his hand. I blush at being caught. I take off my shoes and sit on the couch.

It had gotten late. I went up into my room. I hurry and put my pajamas on. I quickly wipe off the makeup. I hop into bed and pull the covers over my head. I'm so glad that I have the day off tomorrow. I fall asleep quickly.

************In the morning*************

I awake the next morning and roll out of bed. I yawn loudly as I exit my room and head to the kitchen. I yawn again as I start to make breakfast. I look at the clock. It's 12:19am. Damn I slept in. I make a bowl of cereal and a piece of toast. I look around seeing a note.

Dear Charlie,
We've both left for work. I know you have a meeting today. I have arranged a ride for you. I hope you have a good day.

Love, Danny boy

I smile at his considerate. The little things I would never take for granite. I put the note in my pocket and put water in my now empty bowl of cereal. I have a meeting at 6ish. Mandatory for recovery. I go into my room and lay on the bed. I think about my date yesterday. It's the first date I'd been on for a while. I like Oliver. He's seems nice and I feel tingles when we touch. I'm probably just imagining it though. I sigh loudly before grabbing a piece of paper. The other day I asked Daniel if he wanted to be my sponsor. He off course said yes. I start to write down a grocery list. Some enough it was time for my meeting.

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