Chapter 5

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This chapter may contain mature contents.

Charlottes POV

I walk back into the motel room and just sit down. I'm all alone in this shitty world. Why was I given this hand in life. I look at the time to see its still pretty early in the morning. I toss the newspaper out and I pack up my backpack. I take a quick shower before I return my key. I smile at the lady before exiting. I go into the woods and set my stuff down. I then start to run, weaving through the trees I giggle when I almost trip on a branch. I run until I'm out of breath. I'm now lost in the woods as tears run down my face. I run my hands through my hair grasping and pulling it hard. I lean against a tree and pull my knees up to my chest. I keep wiping my face. I lay down and look at the sky. Why I'm I even crying? Why do I always think about it. I keep walking in the woods trying to find a way out. I exit the forest, grabbing my bag on the way. I pull out some money as I walk to the nearest store. I grab a six pack and sit on the sidewalk. I pull one out and start to drink it. I drink another after that before someone sits next to me. I look over to see Jacob. I drink the next one as I put my arm around his shoulder. I keep crying as helps me up. He leads me to his house. I smile at him as I can't stop crying. He takes me into his bedroom I presume. He lays me on the bed as I continue to cry. Jacob takes my pants and shirt off before pulling a large shirt over my head. He then gets dressed into pajamas. He comes over to the bed wrapping his arms around my waist. I face him and wrap my arms around his waist. He kisses the top of my head before whispering goodnight. We both fall asleep soon after.

I awake to sun beaming into my eyes. I yawn loudly as I sit up on the bed. I look around for a second before Jacob comes in. I get off the bed and ruffle his hair. He swats my hand away playfully. I stop and kiss his forehead before asking if I could take a shower. He nods and hands me a towel directing me towards the bathroom down the hall. I take a quick shower before changing into a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I follow Jacob downstairs when I'm finished getting ready. He shows me into a kitchen where we eat some breakfast. I clean the bowls when we're done. I then put them in the dishwasher before asking Jacob if we could go for a walk. He agrees so I go and grab a jacket. I pull it on and we head out. We walk for a while before I trip on the sidewalk. I start to laugh a little until Jacob joins in. We laugh for a minute before I got up and started to talk.

"I'm really sorry about last night. Thanks for being there for me. I just needed some time alone. I'm really happy for you. This family seems really nice and I realized something. I just need to get over some things in my life. I want to get a good job and go back to get my diploma from high school. I guess my plan of us is shattered but for a good reason. I understand though and I want to be sober now. I'll be gone by tonight and you can still call me anytime on that number I gave to you."

I kiss his forehead and hug him tight before we walk back. I go upstairs and repack my bag before hitting the road. In the end I will always be the first to run. I will always be the one to mess everything up. I start to walk away from that house. I'm eighteen I need to get my shit together before I can do anything. I head back into the town and walk into a diner because it's lunch time. I sit down in a booth and tap my fingers on the table. When the waitress comes over I order some coffee and some breakfast. She brings it out and I run my fingers through my hair. I got some blueberry pancakes with some shredded hash browns, some scrambled eggs and two strips of bacon. I politely thank her before digging in. I finish after a while and get up to pay. I take my wallet out and pay. Then I head to the restroom. I look in the mirror and sigh loudly. I have bags under my eyes and no makeup on. I dig around for some in my bag but instead I find a piece of paper with a phone number on it. I smile as I look at the number. I fix my hair a little before grabbing some loose change from the bottom of my bag. I exit the diner and look around for a pay phone. I locate one down the street. I walk towards it. I step into the phone booth. I dial the number after putting money in. I tap my foot in impatience. After a couple rings he picks up. I breath out in relief and wait a couple of seconds. I smile before saying "hey there chunky monkey. Will you come pick me up? I need you please your the only one to understand. I'm next to a diner. Please I love you." I then hang up after he says yes. I go and light up a cigarette as I wait.

Daniels POV (the guy she called)

I was sitting on the coach watching tv at the pack house when I got a call. It was an unknown number so I was hesitant to answer it. I answer it though and here the voice I hadn't heard in years. I tell her yes I'll come pick her up. I get into my car and drive to the diner in town. I hurry there wondering what I'll find. I arrive approximately twenty minutes later. I look around and see a girl leaning on the wall smoking a cigarette. I recognize the girl as Charlotte. I smile at how grown up she looks. I hadn't seen Charlie since she was in the same foster house as me. That was a couple years ago. She starts to walk over here or should I say run. I instantly analyze the difference from the last time I saw her. She has bags under her eyes, her hair is longer and she looks a little to skinny. She jumps on me to hug me. I wrap my arms around her. I hug her for a few minutes just holding her. I draw back and wipe the tears that came out of her eyes. I tell her to get in my car. I drive back to the pack house. Charlie falls asleep in the car. I arrive at the pack house and carry Charlie to my bedroom. I set her on my bed and tucked her in. I admire her before I head downstairs for some dinner. I run my hands through my hair as I walk into the kitchen looking for my mate. I locate her on the couch watching tv. I sit on the couch besides her. After a while I hear quiet footprints come downstairs. I look behind me to see Charlie awake after taking an two hour nap. She spots me and jumps over the couch onto me. I hug her back before I introduce Charlie to my death glaring mate Annette. Charlie then lays her head in my lap and closes her eyes. I mind link Annette "Calm down this is Charlie the friend I told you about." Annette calms down as Charlie gets off my lap. Charlie sits up. I ask her a question. "So Charlie how you liking the town. You know I heard Jacob is here." Charlie sighs before saying "Yeah I visited Jacob, he's getting adopted by a nice family. Though He didn't wanna come with me. I can see why. Im to fucked up for him. I never gotten adopted. Everyone just treated me like a slave. I don't want your pity though. I just need to figure out what todo now." I smile at her before I get up. "So It's about 8:00 right now anyone want dinner? We're having a sorta family dinner tonight so Charlie do you wanna join." I look over to her eager for her to join us. She says "I don't wanna intrude or anything. I can leave if you want me to. I'll just go." I stop her and give her a hug. I crouch down to meet her eyes. I then say "You will never be an intrusion in my life. I promise now go fix your hair and we will be able to leave."

***************Authors note*************

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Does anybody know how to make a characters list that comes up?

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