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Do you ever have the feeling where you feel like you could never be as good as your parents, but then they give you the chance to be? If not; that's my situation. I'm Rosemary, but usually people call me Rosy or Rose. I have a job that's kind of really awesome, but some people would get weirded out. It's called Stitching (bet you heard that line too many times). And my mom and dad , Kirsten Clark Goodkin and Cameron Goodkin, are the best Stitchers ever. In fact they were the first. When I was twelve they decided to tell me about stitching and that day it was official that they were the coolest parents ever. The sad part is, no one can ever know. So for 3 1/2 years I've been keeping their secret. They told me once I'm 16 I can try and stitch. But some of that might change. My two best friends are London and Grayson. London and I have known each other since day one. No. I mean like literally day one. The hospital I was born in was stocked up and the only one we could go to was the big room up stairs. A few minutes later another woman was giving birth and she had to share the same room. Turns out that woman was my mom's best friend, and there was my best friend almost being born, London Engelson. I met Grayson when I was four. This girl named Audrey stuck what seemed to be chocolate in Grayson's hair. It turned out to be dog shit. So I picked it up and threw it on her face. I got in trouble for it, but I made a new friend that day. I guess I'll have to thank Audrey one day. When I can stand her. The sad thing is that now Grayson going out with her. She's such an awful person. Grayson says she's changed, but I'm pretty sure dog shitting, throwing in the face, fake bitches don't change. But I guess I'm kind of a bitch too. I laughed when she got E. coli from eating Chipotle every day for lunch 3 months ago. She cried because she thought Grayson was going to break up with her because she was put in quarantine. But the thing is she's kind of two faced. She's dating Grayson, but she likes other guys. She'll say a guy is cute right in front of Grayson and he wouldn't pay it any mind! I want tell him that she is a bitch and that she doesn't deserve him, but he likes her so much, and I just can't do that. But anyway back to the whole me stitching might change. I can't tell anyone about it, but I really want to tell London and Gray. They are my best friends and I might as well tell them now, before I explode later on. My parents don't know yet, but hey, I'm already here in the cafeteria. I already told them I had something important to tell them. I said it could be a life or death situation but still pretty cool. What do I have to lose now?

"Ro, what is it? And quit smiling like that. You look like you're setting yourself up for potential suicide.", London said as she bit into her pear.

"Okay so I'm going to be a stitcher.", I said not realizing I haven't even told them what stitching was.

"You're going to be a what?", Grayson asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"Okay so there's this thing called stitching, and it when the connect your conscious with a dead body. Hey don't give that look I'm not done. So when you're stitching, you can see their memories and how they died.", I said so quickly realizing I didn't breathe.

"Woah cool.", said Grayson.

"Um even if this were true, how is it relevant?", London asked. She was very skeptical.

"Well some of the people you stitch were murdered. It wasn't an accident when they died. So stitching into them helps us know who did kill them and bring them to justice. Pretty cool huh?"

"I dig it.", Grayson said. He was a very laid back kind of guy.

"Wait, so your going to be one of the people that stitches? And there's a science to this?", asked London just not believing what I was saying.

"Yeah. Look I'll explain a little more later.", I said looking at the clock seeing lunch was almost over.

"Bye Rose.", they both said

"Bye London. Bye Gray.", I said as I went out the cafeteria. It felt good to tell them. Now how am I going to explain this to mom and dad?

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