His face is still tense even though he's asleep. His mouth is parted and soft snores escape his lips. I slowly reach out and trace his eyebrow piercing with my finger trailing down to his mouth. Suddenly Eric grabs my hand and pulls me into his chest then rolls over still asleep.


I try and pry his arms off me but he doesn't budge. I give up and lay my head on his chest listening to the sound of his breathing and surprisingly a heart. It has to be 1:00 a.m. by now and I'm exhausted. With Eric wrapped around me keeping me warm and the smell of cinnamon I fall asleep. But just before I loose consciousness I hear Eric mumble something. "Blake-"


"I don't wanna, I'm scared." I look up into gray eyes. "Please, its our only hope of making it out of this alive. You have to trust me." I squeeze his hand and bat away tears. My hand slips a little more and I scream. I dangle from the Erudite building hundreds of feet above the ground with sweaty hands that threaten to loose there grip. "I have to let go. If I don't...we both die." I yell over the intense wind. Tears run down my face knowing there's only one choice, I have to sacrifice myself for him.

"No! I'm not loosing you! Not like this!" He yells at me through clenched teeth. Only one of his hands is good, the one I'm dangling by, the other is mangled by broken glass and burnt by the fire that devours the building. "No, there's only one parachute, and there's no way I'm getting back up there....goodbye, I love you Eric." I let go of his hand and free fall to the ground below.

I jolt awake and gasp for air grabbing at my heart. There's movement next to me and Eric sits up. "What's going on?" His voice is low and raspy from sleep. I run my fingers through my hair and breath. "Nothing, just a bad dream." Eric yawns and lays back down then hisses in pain. "Why am I on your kitchen floor with a massive headache?" He holds his forehead rubbing his temples.

I stand up and walk to the cabinet with Advil in it. "Do you not remember anything from last night?" I look over my shoulder at him. He gazes at me from the floor pondering his thoughts. "No not really. Why, what happened?" I smile to myself and see a chance for revenge. I put on a strait face and turn around to him with a cup of water and five advil.

"Well, I was walking to the chasm to meet up with you when I saw you walking out of a bar. A gay bar, and let's just say you weren't alone. Somehow you ended up at my door begging me to let you in so finally I let you in to shut you up. You passed out in my kitchen, grabbed my arm, and cuddled with me for the rest of the night."

Eric's mouth hangs wide open. "No shit?!" He starts laughing to himself letting his head fall back into the pillows. He covers his eyes with the balls of his hands and stays like that for a while. "Well then, I guess I'm even hot to gay guys, huh?" I snort at his sad attempt at a joke and hand him the pills and water. He takes them and swallows all the pills at once.

I sit back down next to him and cover up with the blanket. He rolls his head to the side and looks at me through gray eyes. "Now tell me what really happened." His morning voice gives me butterflies and I have to remember to breath.

I tell him what really happened and watch as his face grows serious. Once I'm finished he looks irritated. "I-...I'm. I've got to go." He gets up and stumbles for a second then walks out of my apartment leaving me alone on my cold kitchen floor.


Hmm I would love to wake up next to Eric any morning. Maybe not because of a nightmare though lol.


\\Steel Will// *Eric Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now