I got out the door before my mom could force breakfast down my throat, and I was walking the 10 minutes it took to get to school.

I was wearing lightblue high waisted jeans and a long sleeve thin grey top. My hair was left out as to hide my face like a draped curtain from everyone, and I wore only eyeliner so I didn't look too broken.

But I was broken on the inside.

I got to school and the strangest thing started to happen.

People were staring and whispering at me.

Normally I wouldn't mind as much considering it would be envious girls b*tching about me because they wanted Michael.

But Michael wasn't walking with me today.

And half the looks I got were ones of sympathy, while the other half were ones of disgust.

I got to my locker with my head downcast.

People were continuing to whisper about me.

And I knew that something about that was extremely wrong.

I slammed my locker shut and turned around to head to my first class. Once I got there, I sat down at my usual desk.

I was early to class for once. Usually I would be hanging out with Michael, but seeing our current situation at the moment, that wasn't really an option.

"Miley!" my head turned to the side as Calum walked into the classroom.

He looked shocked to see me, no doubt had thought I was dead or something since I had missed an entire week of school and hadn't talked to anyone.

"Hi, Calum" I gave him a weak fake smile as he took the seat next to me.

"What the f*ck happened between you and Michael?" he asked me, and I looked straight at him.

"We broke up" I said as casually as possible, surprised that my voice hadn't wavered in the slightest.

His eyes widened, "What? Why?"

My eyebrows furrowed, "He didn't say anything to you?"

Calum shook his head no, "He's been coming to school late or ditching classes all together to get drunk in the middle of the day, or he's been ignoring me when I've asked him what's been going on"

"He cheated on me, Calum" my voice was low, barely above a whisper but I knew that he had heard it.

"What? With who? When?"

"I-I don't know with who, but about three weeks ago. Do.... do you know anything about this?" the look on Calum's face held a slight ounce of recognition, and an unsettling feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

"My party, it was three weeks ago. Do you remember? Michael came but you didn't-"

"Yeah, I remember. What happened?"

Calum ran a hand through his hair nervously, "There was this girl there who seemed really interested in Michael. But I told him not to do anything with her. I don't know, he seemed pretty buzzed that night, I'm not sure..." he trailed off, not making eye contact with me anymore.

Someone coughed from behind us, the mumbled word 'whore' slipping out and I turned to glance.

A girl, blonde and plastic, was giggling, obviously the culprit as she whispered and pointed at me.

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