To Much to Handle

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I hopped into my car, unaware of where I was actually going. Anywhere, but my house would be fine. It had gotten pretty late. At least 8:00. Time has flown while I was fighting with my mom.
I had passed a couple of signs telling me I was way over the speed limit. I didn't care. I figured, if a cop pulls me over, at least I know where I'm going, and although I had, had no alcohol, I felt like I was drunk. Something about me felt weird I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I got a text and looked down to see this,

Mom- Honey, for what I said. Please come home. I am very worried because I don't know where you are. Please call me as soon as you see this. Be safe, I love you, and your father is watching over you from above.

I started crying. Something about the, your father is watching over you from above, really made my heart ache inside. Like something was missing. After all these years I had finally...
"ALEX! LOOK OUT!" I looked up from my phone to see a small child only a few feet away from my car.  I swerved over. I felt my car drive over a bump. Then I slammed forward, and my airbag came out. The closet I've ever came to a car crash, was when me and my, Karen, drove to Washington, and our car broke down., but that wasn't nearly as bad as what was about to happen.
When I slammed forward I had hit a fence. It had broke open, and my car my about to go over the railing, and into a ditch. I waited for about five minutes jut leaning back, and forth in my car. I tried to get out of the car, but I had already gone into shock. I heard a loud boom! Like something was dropping, followed by that was a high pitched squeak. My transmission blew up, and was spilling out onto the road. Gas soon started to fill the car. Toxic gases mixed into the air, in which I breathed in. My car went over the edge, and into the ditch. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I tried to grab on to something, but my whole body was in complete shock, and it decided it was staying that way.
But something in me had the sudden urge to do something. This sudden burst of energy, this hope that I could survive. I grabbed ahold of the wheel, and stomped my foot on the break. I felt the car starting to flip, so I eased down on the pedal. Right as I went back to the break, I felt my car plummet into water. It was only a small stream, and nothing bigger than that. Once I knew I was halted. I just gave up, and let my body doze off into blackness.
"Beep beep, beep beep, beep beep."
I looked around to see a white room, with lots of medical supplies. Right next to me was a heart monitor. I also noticed I had an I.V hooked up to my arm. The door opened and a nurse walked in. She wasn't a classic nurse though, the king you would see in movies. She wore scrubs and colorful Nike shoes. I liked her, there was something comforting about her presence in the room.
"Hi honey, I'm Stacey. I'm only here to change your I.V. I started to sit up, but she put a hand on my shoulder, and insisted I sit back down.
"Whe-where's m-my m...,"
"Shhhhh, everything will be explained to you by the doctor, in the mean time, I just want you to sleep. Don't worry, your in good hands." I was awfully tired, but I was not about to just go to sleep, and pretend nothing had happened.
I felt like I was laying there helplessly for an hour, which had probably only been ten minuets, but I couldn't help the fact that I wanted to see my mom, after all, she is the reason I was angry. I knew I couldn't blame her for this though. This was all my fault, It was my choice to be angry and runoff like that. I just wanted to see her.
"Hello. I am your doctor, doctor Richard. Now, you are probably a little confused. You were driving late at night. Some how you went off the road, and into a ditch, but maybe that was a good thing, there was a sharp turn up ahead, I in which we think you would have missed. So in a way you are lucky you went into a ditch, instead of into a lake."
I started breathing heavily. My heart monitor started beeping wildly. I now know who the man was that told me to watch out. I couldn't take this all in at once, it was to much for me to handle. Doctor.Richard rushed over to me and a bunch of nurses flooded in. Hooking oxygen masks up to my mouth, and nurse, after nurse, after nurse just kept telling me, "Breath in, breath out, breath in, and out." That's all I remember before I payed my head back and just fell unconscious on the bed.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I finally got a real cover for my book! Your welcome Autumn. A lot happened in this chapter, I guess you could say it was just to much to handle. Read the next chapter to find out who the person was who told her to look out. Hope you liked it, bye!

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