Flying Lessons

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Classes at Hogwarts weren't going any better after that Potions class. Apparently., we were going to learn how to fly soon, and we would be learning with the Slytherins. "The last thing I want to do is make a fool of myself in front of Malfoy." Harry said that Thursday of our lessons. "You won't" Ron said reassuringly, "All his talk about Quidditch probably isn't true."

It seemed as though all children from wizarding families cared about was Quidditch. I read about it and it sounded interesting, but not enough to play it. Seamus, Ron, and Draco were only a nibble of of the pie of people who talk about Quidditch. Dean likes soccer better, but the others don't understand it.

SQUA!! The mail came in, and as usual, Harry and I never got any mail. "LOOK! Gran's got me a Remembrall!" exclaimed Neville from the other side of the table. "It glows red if you-" he stopped as it turned red. "If you forget something" he continued sadly. Draco snatched the Remembrall out of his hand and as if she was on cue, Professor McGonagall walked over.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. "Malfoy's got my Remembrall Professor" Neville said, trying to look brave. "Just looking," Draco said, innocently as he gave the Remembrall back.

"Hey Evangeline," a voice behind me said.

"Weasleys," I replied. I motioned for them to sit down.

"What are you two getting at? You'd never come talk to me." Ron said with a questioning look.

"Of course we wouldn't want to come talk to you. We're here for Emma," George said rolling his eyes.

"Me?" I said , confused. Ron had said "Her?" at the same time. I rolled my eyes and said "Wow thanks Ronald"

"Yes you, yes her," Fred continued.

"Why though?" I questioned, still very confused.

"Wanna help nick something from Filch?" George asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Of course!" I said, excited.

"Wait why her? Why not me i'm your brother," Ron was still confused.

Fred put his arm around me, "You know ron, I seem to trust her more than you. Plus, you're pretty dull" he said in a sneering tone. Ron's face was red and Fred looked back to me. "10 o clock tonight in the common room. Be there" he said. Quickly after, they got up and left.

"Can't believe he said that," Ron said, in shock.

"I can," I teased smirking.

"Shut up Em," he was red again.


At three thirty, we walked down to the grounds to start our lessons. The Slytherins were already there and lined up next to the brooms. Madam Hooch, our teacher, was waiting there for us. She had short grey hair, and yellow eyes that watched you like a hawk. She told us to stand by a broom and to say up. "Up" I said with confidence, the broom rushed into my hand. Harry's had done the same thing, and sadly, so did Malfoy's. He caught me looking at him and smirked at me and winked. I shuddered and rolled my eyes.

"Now when I blow this whistle, I want you to kick off from the ground and hover. Then, lean forward and land. Three, two, " Before she blew it, Neville flew off and went up, and up, and up, and up, and down. He fell with a loud CRACK. We all ran over to him, and Madam Hooch lifted him up. "Oh dear, broken wrist. If any of you get off the ground, I will have you out of here before you can say Quidditch." she threatened as she rushed to the Hospital Wing.

"Did you see his face, the big lump?" Asked Malfoy as he started laughing. "Shut up Malfoy." I said. "Oooh! Sticking up for Longbottom eh? Never though you would fall for cry babies Granger" said Pansy Parkinson. "Look, it's that thing his Gran got him" Draco said taking the Remembrall. "Give it here" Harry said. "No, I think I'll leave it in a tree for him to find." Draco said and flew up. "Bit out of your reach Potter? What about you Granger? Scared for a little rule breaking?" "Not at all" Harry and I said as we flew up, disregarding my sister complaints.

We flew up, and flying felt great. I loved the feeling of wind blowing in your hair as you flew through the wind. "Give it here" Harry said, "or I'll knock you off your broom" I added. "Alright" he said. He threw it and I chased after it. It was quite easy, it was as if he passed it to me. I caught it and threw it behind my back to Harry. I turned back around and saw he caught it. Sadly though, he dropped it. Immediately after he zoomed down and made a fifty yard drop and caught it.

"Got it!" He yelled and we both softly landed on the ground. All the Gryffindors cheered. "EMMA GRANGER AND HARRY POTTER!" McGonagall yelled as she walked on to the pitch. She started muttering and said "Follow me" so, we followed her. She led us to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and asked Quirrel is she could borrow Wood. I thought Wood was a beating stick the were going to use on us.

A big sixth year came out and said "Yes Professor?" "Wood, I've found you a new Seeker and Chaser" so that was how my flying lessons went, and how I got on the Quidditch team.


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