First day of Senior Year

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Marie POV

I wake up to the noise of my alarm.... I turned off my alarm and got out of bed. I walked to my dresser to find my Outfit for today. I put on knee ripped denim jeans with an Adidas sweat shirt. I looked in my mirror and smiled  "Today is going to be a great day." i said while admiring my outfit. I looked at the clock and it was 6:45 am. I only have 30 minutes to get ready and eat breakfast. I ran into my bathroom to wash my face, and do my makeup along with my hair. For my makeup i wore BB cream, winged eyeliner, mascara, and some simple lip gloss. After i did my makeup, i curled my hair. Once i finished, i looked at the clock and i had to get out the door in 5 minutes. I ran to my room to put on my red Converse and grabbed my backpack. I then ran down stairs to grab a granola bar and my water bottle. Right when i walked out the front door my mom and dad said "have a great day at school!"

"Thanks i will!" i said back while closing the door. I ran to my car and hopped in. I hate being late to school, but luckily there was not a lot of cars. After 5 minutes of driving, i got to school. I parked my car and ran into the building. I then pulled out my schedule which also tells me my locker number. I walked to locker #424 and placed my stuff inside of my locker. Before i got my textbooks for my first class, i saw this guy who looked familiar right next to my locker.

I looked at him for a little. I then remembered that all over social media said that the Dolan Twins are coming back to school for senior year. I freaked out inside my head as i started to text my friend Ashley. I told her everything. She then said that she was coming to my locker. Right when i closed my locker a group of girls came to greet him. "ETHAN DOLAN!" they screamed. I then turned around and saw Ashley walking towards me. "Dude you are kidding me!" said Ashley as she starred at the screaming girls. "Ugh, forget about them." i said while pulling out my school schedule. I asked Ashley if we have any classes together. We look at each others schedule and we have 3 classes together and we both have A lunch. Inside my head i am still freaking out like crazing because i am a huge Dolan twins fan. Ethan Dolan is my favorite, so it felt pretty awkward. "DING DING DING!" When the first bell rang everyone was running down the hallway trying to find there class. My first period class is Math. Honestly Math is not a good class to start the day with. I walked to room 108. While i was walking to math i dropped one of my books and a few papers flew out of it. That book was my journal... as i put my stuff down to pick up my book and my papers, A tall boy came to help pick up my stuff. I said thanks and looked up. It was Ethan. His brown eyes caught my attention as we looked eye to eye. I looked back down to collect some more papers. He picked up a piece of paper. It was a drawing of him that i drew over the summer. He looked, "Did you draw this?" he asked with a big smile on his face. "Ya." i said while i started to blush. "you are a really good at drawing."he said while handing it to me. "thanks." i said while i got back up. "DING DING DING!" "Hey i have to go to math, but thanks for helping me." i said slowing walking away. "I have math too." Ethan said while smirking. "great, so i have someone to walk in late with me." i said. "Yep!" said Ethan. We both walked into math class, "You two are late!" said Mrs. Anderson while she caught everyone's attention. "Sorry, i dropped my papers and then Ethan was helping me pick them back up."

"Sit down please!" said Mrs. Anderson. Me and Ethan sat down while Girls were admiring Ethan and giving (me) a dirty look. I am pretty Popular at school, but when it comes to girls seeing you with there crush.... You are dead meat.

Ethan POV

That girl i helped in the hallway was pretty cute. She is also amazing at drawing.... ,but her hazel eyes along with her brown ombre hair was beautiful. I want to get to know her more. I know what i should do.

                                                                    FEW CLASSES LATER

Marie POV

Just after the bell rang i had Gym class next. I walked to my locker to drop off my stuff, but when i closed my locker... Ethan was right there smiling at me. I smiled back when i was walking away to gym class. "Hey!"said Ethan when i was passing by. "hey." i said back.

"I was wondering what your name was..." he said while we were looking eye to eye.

"My name is Marie." i said in reply

"That is a s-cute name." he said while giggling. :)

"Thanks :)." i said while i was giggling with him.

"Anyways i have to go." i said

Ethan POV

"Anyways I have to go." Marie said

"Okay:) ttyl." i replied

I look at her while she walks to the girls locker room. Luckily i have Gym class too. I walked into the boys locker room to change.

After the couch blew the whistle, we ran out to the gym where the girls were already doing their warm up.

Marie was wearing a Nike sport Capris and a tee shirt. I think she looks cute in it.  :)

Marie POV

So while the girls gym class was doing their warm up, i saw Ethan with other boys walking by.

They lined up behind us as we selected teams for a game. Ethan was on my team and i kinda liked it.


After gym class,it was time for lunch. Ethan wasn't sitting by me, but he was sitting with his twin brother and other guys. I did she them stare at me a few time.... I wonder whats up?

Like of course i like him, i am a fan. It's just that he has been acting weird around me.

                                                                                         END OF SCHOOL

My last class is acting class with Ethan, but i didn't see him in class....I was wondering about where he was. At the end of class i walked back to my locker and opened it. I then heard Ethan's voice... I looked over my locker door to see Ethan talking to his brother and friends. A few seconds later he turned around and walked to his locker. Of course i looked away quickly.

"Hey!" said Ethan

"Hey!....... Um so where were you during acting class?" i responded back

"Oh.... i was in the arts and crafts room to finish an assignment." He said nervously

"Oh okay..." i said

"Do we have any homework for math tonight?" Ethan asked

"Ya, pages 234-236 in our textbook." i said back while closing my locker

"Can i come over to your house tonight to do our homework together?" asked Ethan

"Sure." i said while smiling really big.

"See you at  4:00pm?" i asked while raising one of my eyebrows.

"Perfect." said Ethan

"See you later!" i said while walking out of school.

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