Chapter Two.

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(time lapse of one year)

Abigail was now three years old, she had spent the last two years with The Weasley family and one baby had made an entrance.

Little Ronald, he was a very noisy baby and always hungry, Abigail was very gentle with him, Molly Weasley was just about to drop with her seventh child.

"Mummy!" Molly walked through and saw Abigail covered head to toe in pink goo, Molly bit her tongue "Abigail why are you covered in pink goo?" Abby looked up "Fred" was all she said, it was all she had to say for Molly to yell at the top of her voice for the two mischievous boys.

They both wandered downstairs with coy smiles "yes mummy?" They both answered "why? Why oh why have you covered Abby is goo?" The boys snickered "she said she would help us with our experiment"

Molly shook her head and Arthur walked in, he took one look at Abby and shook his head "do I even want to know?"

Abby just stood there in her shirt and dungarees with a frown "I feel icky" Arthur picked her up and took her upstairs for a bath while Molly had a stern talk with the boys about not testing on their sister.

Fred sat and pouted all day while George just stuck in his room. Abigail soon came down being carried by Charlie, he by far favourited the little girl.

She was now dressed in a pink dress "mummy I'm clean!" Molly grinned Charlie set her down "you are indeed Abby" she giggles and runs down the rest of the steps.

"Mummy can Charlie take me for a ride on his broom?" Charlie stood in the corner holding his Cleansweep. Molly seemed to ponder for a few minutes causing the infant to pout.

"Yes, but please be carful..I want no injuries" Abby grinned and ran in a circle before going over to Charlie, he picked her up and took her outside.

Sitting down Molly began to knit again, booties, hats, scarfs, jumpers. Getting around was proving a chore since she was heavily pregnant with her seventh child, she had been knitting pink items, hoping the child would be a girl.

If not she would use magic to turn them another colour when the time came.

After a few hours of knitting Fred and George came back down and apologised profusely to their Mummy "be a dears and help me set the table for supper?" The boys nodded and helped Molly in setting the table for the big family.

"Mummy Charlie dropped me in the mud and I'm icky again!" The little girl giggled, her bottom half was covered in mud.

Charlie wondered in looking rather sheepish "we both crash landed into the mud" he too was covered in mud from the waist down.

Molly rolled her eyes and used her wand casting a cleaning charm on the two "now help me with supper Charlie, Abby held Fred and George with the table" Abby nodded and ran towards the table, Fred handed her the plates for the her side of the table and she set them out carefully.

"I'm back again!" There was a chorus of 'DAD!' In the house and finally Percy ventured down from his room.

"Hey Abby any more accidents since the pink goo?" Abby looked at Molly and Molly chuckled "Her and Charlie fell in the mud earlier but nothing a bit of magic couldn't fix" Arthur chuckled and took a seat.

Abby ran out of the room and came back with a piece of paper "Daddy this is for you!" Arthur picked her up and sat her on his knee, Abby placed the picture on the table and the drawing was pretty good for an infant.

"Tell Daddy what it is Abby" Molly began putting bowls of food in the centre of the table "it's us, there's you, Mummy, Fred and George, Bill and Charlie, Lookie even Percy is on there" she beamed "yes but who's that Abby?" Arthur pointed to a blonde lady "that's Mrs Black, she died.." Molly frowned and as did Arthur.

"How do you know Mrs Black Abby?" Abby shrugged "I don't know, I just see her in my dreams and she reads me those stories that mummy does" Arthur frowned again.

"Supper Time!" Yelled Molly, Bill and Charlie charged from downstairs and she collected Ron from his crib.

"I want to sit next to daddy!" Argued Fred and Abby "how about you sit there Fred?" Arthur pointed to the seat on his left "and you sit there Abby" he then pointed to the seat on his right. The infants nodded and sat down.

"Need help Abby?" She was struggling to put food on her plate, with a small nod Arthur gave her an ample helping of everything and she began to eat politely.

After supper Abby sat with Charlie and drew pictures "I'm gonna miss Bill this year" Bill popped his head around the door "I heard my name?" Abby nodded.

"I said I'll miss you this year" he came over and picked Abby up sitting her in his lap "ill miss you too Ab's but I'll see you at Christmas and I'll send you lots of letters" she frowned "I can't read properly though..." Bill chuckles "I'm sure Charlie will read them too you and help you write back" Charlie nodded

"Of course I will" Abby grins "yay!"

"Abby honey, it's bath time!" Abby sighed and kissed everyone's cheek before running up the stairs to Molly "I'm here Mummy" Molly turned and picked the little girl up "let's get you washed up and then you can pick a story" Abby nodded and let's Molly undress her before placing in the bath tub.

"Scruba dub dub" yelled Abby as she pushed a rubber duck around the bath "i smell like flowers" Molly nods "Roses to be exact like your middle name" Abby giggled and let Molly wash the conditioner from her hair.

Molly collected a towel and scooped Abby up in it, taking her through to her bedroom, she stood Abby on a chair while she got her some night clothes from the dresser.

"You're broomstick ones?" Abby nodded "yes please Mummy!" Molly placed them on her bed before going over to Abby and drying her off.

Abby climbed into her pyjamas and then let Molly put her hair up so it didn't matte over night.

"Right which book?" Abby grinned as she snuggles down into the covers "the tales of the beedle and the bard" Molly shook her head getting it.

"And which story?" Abby pulled her teddy close "babbity rabbity" Molly opened the book and began reading, Abby always listened intently and never lost focused unless she fell asleep, but that rarely happened, she'd stay awake for the whole of the story.

Especially when it was either Babbity Rabbity or The tale of the three brothers, they were her favourites, especially when Bill would read them, he'd put on all sorts of silly voices to try and get the little blonde girl asleep.

Abby yawned and slowly closed her eyes, she had, had a tiring day, pink goo, flying, mud, drawing, food, drawing again and then a big bath, that was clearly too much for such a small girl.

Molly kissed the child's forehead before leaving, the book was marked and left on the dresser for next time and she left the room.

Child after Child she rounded the rest of her kids up and sent them for either a bath and bed, or just bed.

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