A Vampire's Curse ~Chapter 3~

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~Chapter 3~

Lisa's P.O.V

Everyone seemed to believe that Adria, my best friend since kindergarten, had died. At first, I believed it too. I had seen her lying in her coffin at the funeral, and I had seen her get buried, but it had all been a lie...

Two days ago, I'd been walking to Dragomir High, to go and see how Blake was going. Blake and I had met once before, not that he'd remember me or anything, but at least I knew what he looked like.

I'd been walking down the halls, when I found Blake at his locker. I'd started to walk over to him, but I saw something that made me stop, and go the other way...Adria...she was standing around the corner, watching Blake. She looked over at me, and before I could say anything...she was gone.

Since then, I'd seen her three other times. She was always watching Blake. I was 100% sure that I wasn't imagining things. I had seen her! She was alive! I had to tell Blake, he had every right to know.

Standing in front of Dragomir High's big black gates was very daunting. I've been standing out here for hours, waiting, for Blake to finish school. Everybody had left an hour ago, but there was still no sign of Blake. I sighed and decided to go in and ask if had detention or something but when I asked, I didnt get the answer i'd been hoping for.

"I'm sorry miss, but Mr.Ryans doesnt go to our school anymore. He dropped out this morning," the  old lady behind the desk explained.

"Thank you," I said and turned to walk out the door.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the lady said when I reached the office doors. I didnt turn around, I just stood there for a moment and then continued walking.

I'd been hearing those same 5 words for the last 7 weeks. I never answered the people who said it. I just nodded and walked away, even if it did seem rude. I didnt care now. Adria was alive, and that was all that mattered.

Once I was in my car, I looked through the glove box. It only took me a second to find Adria's diary, and soon I was racing down the highway, heading for Blake's house.

After the funeral, I'd gone over to where Adria had lived. Adria's sister, Alice, had given me Adria's diary. She told me that my best friend would've wanted me to have it. So, I read it, and found Blake's address in it.

When I got to Blake's, I went up and knocked on the hard wooden door. I stood there for about a minute before the door was answered. I was slightly shocked to see a familar girl answer the door.

"Hello," she said brightly. She obviously didnt remember me, but I remembered her horrid green eyes and thick black hair.

"Is Blake home?" I asked, trying not to slap the girl, right then and there.

"Yes," she answered, the smile never left her face and I looked at her, dumbfounded.

"Well...Can i talk to him?" I asked, growing impatient.

"If you want to," she shrugged. I just stared at her. Clearly, she wasnt going to get Blake for me.

"Blake!" I yelled as I pushed my way passed the stuck up sparkle. I couldnt help but smile at the thought of calling her that, to her face.  got to  the bottom of the staircase, just as Blake did.

"Lisa?" he asked...that was interesting, maybe Adria had told him about me...

"Yeah, hi. We need to talk. Now!" I said quickly. Blake nodded and I followed him as he headed to the front door.

I didnt know where we were going, but I didnt ask questions. I just followed him to what looked like an ocean...no, wait...a beach? What the fu-

"Okay, what do we have to talk about?" Blake's voice inturrupted my whirling mind.

"Adria's alive!" I blurted out.

"What?" Blake asked, his voice thick with emotion.

"She's alive. Adria's alive!" I cried, somehow, saying it out loud, made it seem more real, and tears just kept flowing down my cheeks.

Blake shook his head. "No Lisa, she's gone. Please, dont mess with me."

I looked around, and sure enough, I saw her. Adria was standing behind a tree, crying.

"Look for yourself," I whispered and pointed behind Blake, towards the tree.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 29, 2011 ⏰

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