Chapter 3

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(Dipper's POV)

I'm relaxing on my day off from recording by sitting in a comfy armchair with a glass of pit soda. I'm reading the reviews for my show. It's all been good so far. We are recording in Gravity Falls so we never run out of weirdness to film. Suddenly, the phone rings. I pick it up. "Pines residence, Dipper speaking."

"Mr Pines, this is the principle of Gravity Falls High."

"Hi John, what has Joshua done this time?"

"Actually, I have Addie in here. I think it's advised you come in right away."

"Ok we'll be right there." I hung up. "Pacifica!"

"What is it Dipper?"

"Addie's in the principle's office, we need to go to the high school."

"Ok, let's go."

We arrive at the principle's office to see Addie sitting in the middle seat. The principle was reading from a book. Addie looked scared. "What did you do Addie?"

"I don't know mum, I was in English and as I left, my English teacher handed me my book and a note and told me to go to the principal's office and now I'm here."

I tapped John on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but what exactly has Addie done wrong."

"What, you think Addie has done something wrong. No.

"Then why exactly are we here."

"All in good time. First though," he should us the book he was reading, it was Addie's English book. "Addie, did you write this."

On the page there was a short story. It just filled the page. "Yes, I wrote that."

"Well, it's amazing. In an unknown move by this school, I want to ask if I could enter this story in the Oregan young author of the year competition."

He was looking at me and Pacifica. I put my hand on Addie's shoulder. "It's up to you Addie."

"Sure, you should do it."

"Great, well, you can leave now."

We left the office and Owen was sitting outside. He stood up as we exited. He grabbed onto Addie's shoulders. "Are you OK, what did they do to you?"

"Owen, breath. I'm fine, they wanted to enter my story into some competition."

"Thank God." He hugged her, not a long hug, but long enough to cause them both to blush. "Ahem, um, Mr and Mrs Pines."

I smiled. "Please Owen, Calls us Dipper and Pacifica."

"Right, anyway, I got to get home. I'm gonna be in so much trouble for staying here so long. See ya Addie. Dipper, Pacifica."

He saluted and left. He was sort of half skipped half walked away. Addie was still blushing. I looked at Pacifica out of the corner of my eye. She nodded. We both knew what was going on. Addie had a crush.

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