Chapter 2: First Year Without You.

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Mabel's POV

It's been a year since Dipper was taken away, and every day I regret not doing anything for him. He sacrificed a lot for me last summer, and then he sacrificed himself just for us.

I looked around my room and sighed, my room may seem bright and happy, but I miss Dipper coming in to spend time with me, help me with homework, even though it's summer, I miss him. And every day I wait for him to walk through that door, and give me a hug. I didn't know how much I missed him until now, I started to cry as I remembered all the things Dipper did for me:

Losing a Lifeguard job and a some what chance with Wendy, just so I could help my new friend.

Giving up his perfect day at the fair so I could have my pig

Tried to look out for me on that first day we came here, but I shoved him out saying he was full of crazy ideas.

The list went on, all his life, he sacrificed for me, put up with me, helped me, protected me, and had been there when no one else would. He lost everything for us.

I looked up from the ground and walked over to my door, I took a deep breath and opened it. I walked across the hall and stopped at a brown door, I turned the golden door knob, and stepped into s familiar blue room. I closed the door and slid against it until I fell to the floor. I brought my head to my knees, and just cried, just smelling the way his room did, was exactly how he did.

Right now, all I want is Dipper to come behind me, wrap his arms around me, look into my eyes and say everything is ok.

I finally gathered my senses, and stood up and Walked over to his bed, I moved some papers he had on his messy bed onto the night stand, but when I did, I found a journal. I know I shouldn't look through his stuff, but I opened it. The first page was a picture of us in second grade, picture day. It was the picture they took of us. I wiped my eye just remembering it, I smiled, and I haven't in a long time. I turned the next page and it showed Dipper's handwriting from second grade. I read it:

Today was a good day. Started out bad, I had my allergies acting up, and I was pretty cold. It was also picture day. Then it got worse as a girl out some gum in Mabel's hair. She asked me what to do and started crying. I didn't know what to do and Mabel ran off. I felt so bad. I found a razor and I went up to Mabel and told her what I had, she asked for a wig, bug I found a razor. I took my hat off and shaved a part of my hair off. She called me crazy. But she did the same thing. Today, was a good day after all.
I smiled remembering that day. I still cried, not from sadness, but from happiness. It turned all the pages and they all had Dipper saying what we did for each other to make the other happy.

"Mabel made me a special gift in school today, I didn't know what it was, but I kept it. She knew in felt bad that day because my really only friend was moving away."

"Today, Mabel forgot her home work at home, so I asked the teacher for a new one, and I redid the whole thing with her again."

"Mabel stood up for me after a bunch of bullies bullied me about my birthmark. She made them leave me alone after that. I'm sure they'll be more, but I'm going to count on Mabel to always be there for me, and stand up to the bullies with me, or when I too hurt or upset to."

"Today, was Valentine's Day, it all seemed good and well until Mabel asked me how many I got. When I got nothing, the class Billie said how he thought he was the loser, then he made it worse by telling everyone. I felt like crying. I got up because everyone was laughing at me. as I left the room, I knocked the trash can over. I ran to the custodian closest and stayed in there. After a while, I card came in from under the door. It was a pink heart made of little cards. I flipped it around to see it said to my favorite brother. I smiled and I realized that it was made from Mabel's valentines."

It went on and on for lots of pages. It even had entries from last summer. I smiled and held the book close, each day had a picture of us together. I laid down in his bed and just stared at the ceiling. Soon I fell asleep. And this time, these dreams weren't of regret, they were, drama of remembering. 

Dipper's POV

I struggled against these chains. I needed to get out. Each day I loose my sanity, my thoughts, my memories, my life. I'm even having arguments with myself.

"I'll stay strong for you Mabel."
"No you won't."
"Yes I will."
"No, you won't. She probably doesn't even miss you anymore. She never sacrificed something for you."
"Yes she has!"
"They why isn't she here saving you?"
"I-I...don't know."

My other self won, whatever this voltage is, it's making a second me, replacing the real me. and each time my other self wins, the voltage kicks up and I loose something. The voltages kicked in and I clutched my head. "Don't loose it, don't loose it, don't..." I stopped. I lost my sanity.

"I can't do this anymore."
"Yes you can, just let me take over."
"N-n-no, never."
"Why not? You won't be in pain?"
"Fine then."

The voltages kicked in again and now my vision faded to black, I could hear and see things though. When I could see again, it seemed like I could only see from one eye.

"Now I can see too."

He had changed one of my eyes to like Bill's.

I didn't do or say anything. Even when the voltages kicked in really high, or most enough to send me in coma, I didn't. The last thing I remember before I did black out, was saying. "I let you down Mabel." Then my other self took complete control. No matter what I do, he's in control.

"Now that's more like it! But I'm not letting you go, you're staying with me." I grinned at myself. Then our souls fused together, my other half was the dominant spirit. Soon we were one, I could see again, but I wasn't myself. "I'm ready Bill." I said as Bill came into the room. "Good Pine Tree, welcome to the family. But now you need some training."

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