Chapter 3: Halfway done Letting you go.

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( 3/6 years completed. And that pic, is something I found that sort of goes with the story of you put it in the right way)

Dipper AKA Alcor's  POV

My training was almost done, my past self is gone, no more Dipper Pines, I'm Alcor Cipher. Nice to meet you. I've been training everyday with my, "brother" Bill Cipher, for 2 years. Sure my powers are on the rusty side, but I get better everyday. And everyday I forget more and more about my past life, who I was before, but Bill said I don't need these memories. But there's this one girl who keeps appearing in my memories, and she seems...what the word, important. I shook that thought out of my head, who ever that girl was, she can take hike. I don't care for anyone anymore, In fact, sometimes it's funny to see people suffering.

"Bill! I'm ready for the next session!" I called through the "house", I don't really know what the place I'm living in looks like. I also forgot what the outside word looks like, haven't seen any natural light since I was twelve, and I'm 15 now, soon to be 16 in two months. Bill popped in front of me and wrapped his arms around m shoulder. "Pine Tree! You know what day it is?!" He said in a sing song voice. "What?" I asked in a mocking tone, I was also slightly annoyed. "It's chain day!" He snapped his fingers and I was wrapped in chains, one around my neck, one for each of my arms, and for my legs too. "Really!? I thought we were..." I was interrupted by the sudden shock the chains made. I clutched my head in pain. "Today, to test your powers, you have to break free from these chains." I looked up at Bill with great struggle and looked him strait in his eye. I then lit my hands in blue fire and made the chains burst into a million pieces. I struggled to get up, but I did and rested my hands on my knees. "T-t-there." I struggled to say. "Good job Pine Tree! Now you need to repair the chains, call me when you're done." Then Bill disappeared. I sighed and mumbled stuff under my breath. "S-stupid Bill." I mumbled sitting down in the center of all the chin pieces. I lit my hands and concentrated on fixing the chains.

Mabel's POV

All of us on the Cipher wheel, have finally agreed to accept that Dipper isn't coming back. Sure I'll still miss him, but everyone is used to it just being me. We've sold most of Dipper's old stuff, but, I kept his little journal. Every time I have that urge to call out for Dipper, or want to see his face, I read the journal. (His little diary from last chapter.) I wanted to go back to Gravity Falls, but mom and dad always say no, they don't want to loose me too.

I looked up from my book I had to read over the summer and walked out of my room. I stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at the door that did lead to Dipper's room. I don't know why I did, but I went into the somewhat empty room. It still has his bed and dresser. I sighs remembering his 12 year old face, since I don't know how he looks at 15. I went to his bed and sat down on the sheets. Some dust flew into the air. I watched the dust disappear into nothing. I took out Dipper's journal and opened it to the last page, I took out a pen and wrote something on it:

There was so Many things you did for me.
I now want to make it all up to you when you returned from Gravity Falls and Bill's possession,
But you didn't.

I closed the book and put it back in my hoodie. Once Dipper was gone, I stopped wearing my sweaters. I got off his bed and walked downstairs into the living room and sat down on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on the Tv. And when it did, it flashed on and off with a picture of boy 15 years old in a pine tree hat. It looked like Dipper, but, more Bill like. Then it flashed the words:

I'm still alive.

Then the regular Tv went on. I only stared at the Tv, was he really alive?

Alcor's POV

I finally put the chains back together. I cheered in victory and called Bill back. "Good job Alcor!" He then came up and pated my back. I only rolled my eyes. "Now, I need to tell you something..." Bill said sitting in the air. I mimicked his moves and sat in air too. "I'm actually your father." He said sternly. I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah right." I said crossing my arms. "Yes I am," he started. He took a deep breath and continued his story. "It all happened 15 years ago, I was doing my normal chaos of the day when I came to the hospital, I was going to kill off some people when I came to your room. You and your sister were just born and you had a 1% chance of living. I was going to let you die, but you had some sort of aura, so, I gave you some demon magic and you survived. I've tried for years to find you, but I couldn't. Then the day came when you and your sister arrived in Gravity Falls." Bill ended his little tale and I just sat there wordless. "Well, then dad, when do I get real training?"I said still processing what he just told me. "Right now!" He said floating over to me. I smiled a bit reveling my sharp teeth and said, "well then, what are we waiting for!?" I asked getting up.

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