Chapter 2: B U L L Y I N G

Start from the beginning

They all parted to reveal a woman who was the one that approached her and bent down to pull her chin up.

"C'est elle?" The question was directed at her butler but Natasha raised an eyebrow in defiance and huffed a response. {This is she?}

"Elle a un nom." As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted her because the leader looked at her like she wanted to kill Natasha. {She has a name.}

"Ce sera amusant de vous briser, petite colombe." The leader motioned for the other girls to take Natasha away. {It will be fun to break you, little dove.}

What Natasha could understand was why she was led to the bathroom? She was sat down on a swivel chair as the two girls felt her hair. She only realised what was happening when the clippers came to life and created an electric buzz that filled the whole room.

Natasha let out a scream and tried to bolt out the door but the girls were quick, despite their fancy get-up. One of them held the girl down whilst the other brought the clipper closer to her hair. She closed her eyes tightly until the buzzing finally stopped. She opened her eyes as tears fell onto her lap. Her once beautiful, Ariel-like hair was now cut into a short bob, resting on the base of her neck.

Her shaky hands advanced towards her hair but it was swatted away. She let out a horrifying scream, eye pinched in frustration and she didn't see the injection advancing towards her neck. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her face could not longer support itself so laid back.

A yawn left her lips when she finally awoke. Rubbing her eyes, she looked to her left and realised that it was evening. She felt the black plush silk covers under her finger before getting up. A mirror was situated to her right so she approached it cautiously.

A strangled cry was heard throughout the room.

"On dirait que notre petite colombe est en colère." The leader spoke, grabbing the champagne flute. {Looks like our little dove is angry.}

And she was right as Natasha came charging towards her.


After Nandini had gone home, waiting at the taxi stand was Navya Naveli. She touched the soil of Mumbai and wiped it on her forehead while taking a deep breath, having never left her small village and finally, getting a chance to pursue her dream. She sat in the taxi with her mother, explaining the directions to her hostel while talking to her mother about Fab 5, the winner of the best band competition. She made a yo sign with her hand which she deemed as cool and wanted to be a part of the group.

On that very same night, after Nandini had fallen asleep, the party at the mansion resumed with Fab 5 as Shahid came to the party and falling head over heels for Mukti who immediately jumped in the pool. She made a beckoning gesture with her fingers to Shahid who took the hint with wide eyes. She suddenly took her bathing suit off which is what it seemed in Shahid's mind, he also took his bathing suit off allowing Cabir to take a video as Sahid cried with what little amount of decency he had left. Manik, as usual, sat there with Aliya whilst Dhruv sat in the corner, shaking his head at them.

The next day, Nandini woke up in hopes of having a nice day at college and called her brother who was apparently in Tokyo for a business meeting. After taking a shower, she pondered on what to wear. Abhimanyu had warned her that the people in India were 'conservative' but of course, Mumbai should be different, right? Dressing in a crop top with thin sleeves, revealing lined abs and pairing them with cargo pants, she headed downstairs for breakfast.

 Abhimanyu had warned her that the people in India were 'conservative' but of course, Mumbai should be different, right? Dressing in a crop top with thin sleeves, revealing lined abs and pairing them with cargo pants, she headed downstairs for bre...

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