The Inability to Communicate

Start from the beginning

"Love, you have punished me enough, don't you think?" At that I snorted. He thought it was a punishment for the slap. No, it was simply me wanting to get out of his presence.

"You haven't told me enough about Fergus, don't you think?" I was getting mouthier with him. I knew I was but I was at the very end of my patience and wanted nothing to do with him.

"Fergus is none of your concern." His voice was sharp and commanding and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"The state of your 'punishment' is none of your concern." It wasn't a punishment. It was simply me refusing to be in the same room as him because he was an abusive asshole.

"Sweetheart." It was another sharp warning that I ignored. He could warn me all he wanted. He could slap me around and do what he wished but I would never, ever love him.

"Jackass." I spat it out and he gave me a low growl at the harsh and taunting word.

"Language." He hissed it out and I flipped him off. He could order me to not to swear all he wanted but that didn't mean I would stop.

"Where is Vince? I'm bored." I looked around. I much rather preferred hunky's company to creepy's company. It was like choosing between a cockroach and a puppy. There was no competition.

"You spend more time with him than you do with me." His voice was accusing and I rolled my eyes. I wanted to tell him it was because I wanted to fuck Vince but I didn't want my sweet eye candy to get hurt while he was kicking Alpha Kool-aid's ass.

"Because you are boring." I waved him off flippantly. He gave a harsh snarl at it. I was learning he hated certain gestures or tones. He considered them 'disrespectful' so as a result I did them constantly.

"If he touches you I will kill him." He said it low and deadly and I waved it off.

"So you say every time." The words meant very little when they were constantly repeated. He stiffened at my flippant statement.

"Do you not believe me?" I knew the look he was wearing very well. What an ass. Getting defensive because I wasn't pandering to his possessive behaviour.

"I believe you just fine. If you can smack around your one and only true love and soul mate you are more than capable of killing someone for touching her." I gave him a narrow eyed look that showed my utter bitterness and hate towards him.

"You are being a little unfair now." He actually looked crestfallen and I raised an eyebrow before touching a hand to my chest

"I'm being unfair?" I watched as he nodded.

"Yes, love."

"I'm being more than fair to you. Do you want me to be unfair?" I said it sweetly and he growled as he stood up. His hands gripping his desk. It was a stupid looking thing. I wanted to slam his head against it.

"Don't antagonize me." He was grinding his teeth together again and I wanted to smirk.

"Go ahead at hit me again. Let's see how far it gets you." The smirk emerged and he deflated at my words.

"Don't be like that." His voice was soft and I rolled my eyes.

"What? Do you deny you did it?" He had tried to blame it on his 'wolf' but I was starting to learn that was a convenient excuse for him to use when he wished. Not that I ever believed it in the first place.

"My wolf got a bit upset. You can't punish me for that!" His voice was whiny and I grinned at him maliciously.

"But you see, I can and I will." I watched him through narrowed eyes as his jaw muscles twitched before he sat back down, returning to his endless boring paperwork. I wanted to hang out with Vince, or Stacy. I would take Stacy.

We were still bunking together. So much so she had cleared me a space on her dresser for me. True I was wearing her clothes but it was the thought that counts. I refused to wear anything Dick Cheese bought for me. That was a deal with the devil I wouldn't buy into. He might have taken it to mean I liked him. I couldn't have that.

"You are deliberately creating problems." I stared at him intently and he looked up with a frown.

"What?" He was confused. I would address it but he got confused often. It was commonplace and made me question why he was a leader to begin with.

"When you don't tell me shit. Like, your brother wanting to kidnap me, you are deliberately causing problems that would never happen if you gave me information about them." I watched as he leapt to his feet, his hands slamming against his desk with a loud crack. I forced my body to not jump at it despite the fear that flared up.

"Who told you that?" His voice was a roar and I couldn't help the smug satisfaction I felt at the response.

"So your brother is trying to kidnap me. Good to know." If I ever saw Fergus I would happily go with him. I would even pretend to be kidnapped if it made him feel better about my willingness.

It could be a new trend. Instead of me faking orgasms, I could fake being kidnapped.

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