The Kidnapping

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This is the part where a decision to get McDonald's proves to be terrible, in more ways than one.


You know that feeling you get when someone grabs you, ties you up, and throws you into the trunk of a car? You don't?

Good for you, let's keep it that way.

So I got off work at my standard five o'clock time and spent a few hours at the local library reading quite a few books because I'm a boring person who enjoys reading more than partying. I blame my parents. I had very little boundaries as a child, which resulted in me preferring to stay home because I never felt the need to go and rebel against parental authority.

To be honest, my parents didn't care as long as I didn't get pregnant, addicted to drugs or even try to run an international drug cartel. They wanted me to be able to express myself and that turned into me spending time with books and growing more and more literate. It wasn't simply fiction or romance either. I would read books on psychology, biology, and history. I read anything and everything I could get my hands on.

I was verifiable knowledge addict.

As a result of my self-imposed fortress of solitude and knowledge, I developed a small but close knit social group. I had three friends. Each one of us perfectly content to not talk or weeks and then when we did speak, we spoke for hours at a time about our lives and acted as if we had never even missed a day. However as that day was one of our many off days I was alone for the most part. Annnnd I just realized I am getting off track. My apologies!

After the library, and me reading a lovely thesis on psychosis and how there are many different ways it shows, I went home. My apartment was not on the best side of town but it was the only one I could afford on my salary. I knew my parents would help me out if I asked them but I wanted to be my own person and the one bedroom apartment was good enough for me.

When I arrived home I groaned with the realization I was unable to pick up groceries, meaning my fridge was empty. My stomach had growled loudly as I grumbled and groaned about my stupidity before I grabbed my purse and jacket. I headed out of my apartment, both my stomach and I grumbling as I made my way down the stairs.

I had less than ten dollars in my bank account so I knew I couldn't go anywhere fancy or even nice but I knew there was a McDick's just down the block from the apartment block. My stomach churned slightly at it but the closest other fast food restaurant was close to twenty blocks away and I wasn't stupid enough to walk that by myself.

It was just starting to get dark out as I started down the street and I pulled my jacket closed as a cold breeze brushed against me. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise up slightly. It was a familiar feeling that I had been experiencing since my shift ended at the coffee shop. I looked around warily as I started to lightly jog towards the lit up parking lot of the MacDonald's.

Vehicles passed by on the street and as I glanced over at them I was grabbed from behind. I went to scream but a large hand covered my mouth. I fought hard, throwing elbows back and kicking out at the assailant. The arms crushed me tightly and my hands were grabbed with one hand and tied together. I gave a muffled scream as I continued my attempts at escape.

That feeling I was talking about at the beginning of this chapter? Yah a feeling of intense panic about the fact I felt like I was going to get fucking murdered. Not just murdered but thoughts of being raped, tortured, skinned alive, and numerous others gory images flickered through my mind. Those did not go away when I was rather rudely shoved into a trunk and my current world ended with a slam of a truck lid.

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