Zoro x Reader: You're Paying

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hiya! Sorry for not updating for so long omg, I got busy with band!
I'm working on ALL of your requests, starting from most requested to least. ALL will be written about though! I will either message you or reply to a comment you left when there is a new chapter that you requested.
Without further ado, (I mean a couple stuff) here's the story!
Zoro © Touei
One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
Art © Arasdel on DeviantArt


It was a perfectly normal day for you on the Thousand Sunny Go.
Blue sky, beautiful ocean, peacefulness, quietness.
That was, until you began hearing slashing sounds from the outer yard.
How dare that moss-head interrupt your precious nap time?!

"ZORO!" You slammed the door to the deck open. "KEEP IT DOWN! Ugh, I'm tired of all of your training ruining my own time!"
"Hey hey now," he began, putting his swords down gently, "how about I go with you and-"
"NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS, JERK." You shouted, stomping back inside.
Yeah, that's right, Zoro just flirted with you.
No, actually, he does that all the time.

Although it's quite obvious he's got the hots for you, you would never show that side of you to him.
No, not ever.

However, hours later at the dinner table:
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Nami called out, sitting next to you and Robin.
"Hey, Nami." You smiled at her, looking back at your drink.
"Something happen?" Robin asked calmly; her words were always soothing.
"Um, kinda. The moss head keeps flirting with me." Truthfully, these two were the only people you'd open up to.
"Well, (Y/N)----" Robin was cut off by a drunk Zoro heading over.
"Eyyy eyyyyy, (Y/N)~~" He grasped your shoulders, unwillingly. Although you knew that, you kept your stance up, and pushed him back.
"GET OFF ME!" You screamed at him, furiously going back to your cabin.

That night, weirdly, you spent your time thinking about him.
Weirdly? Oh, I said that.
No, not for you, it wasn't weird - you did this stuff all the time!
You'd write about him, daydream about him, draw him, stare at him from a distance.
So madly in love with him. But you couldn't show it, because of your stubbornness.

However, the next morning:
The first thing you hear was a knocking at your door at 6:00 AM.
You open the door angrily, seeing Zoro there, already dressed.
"What do you wa-"
"We need to talk."
You were cut off by him, his tone sounding serious.
"Uh, about what?"
"Just come with me."
He forcefully grabbed your wrist, nearly dragging you to the crow's nest.

"Okay, (Y/N), I need you to set this straight."
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
Before you could ask him more, he grabbed your hands.
"I know this is all an act." He said, his voice low.
Oh, the stubborn act!
You had forgot about it...
"W-what act?!" You stumbled.
"Listen to me!" He loudly replied.
"I have feelings for you, and I know you have feelings for me. Just tell me the tru-" at this point, you had stood up and walked away a bit.
"H-humph! I-if you wanna to d-date me THAT much, f-fine!" You turned around, face clearly red in embarrassing.
"...Y-You're paying for my meal though." You puffed her cheeks, turning back around to look at him. You wanted your expression to look annoyed, but you just couldn't do that.

You were so happy.

Zoro smirked, chuckling to himself.
"You really are adorable."
He inched closer, while you looked to the ground with your vermillion colored cheeks facing down and your (E/C) colored eyes glued onto the grass of the deck.
With one gentle flick of the finger, he lifted your chin up and leaned his head in a bit.
"Z-Zoro, what are you-"
You were shocked and a bit confused at his actions, but before you could finish your thought he had placed his warm, not-too-soft (author's note: I'm sorry. His lips just don't seem soft.) lips onto your delicate, gentle ones.
After a few seconds he pulled away, looking into your eyes.

Puffing your cheeks, you turned back around, trying to avoid eye contact with him because you were so embarrassed.
"Y-you're paying! Remember that!"

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