Usopp X Reader: "Us"

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The whole crew dashed into the kitchen, just as you and Nami started talking.

"SANJI! FOOD!" Luffy shouted at the top of his lungs.
"Shut up Luffy! You're getting the food last!" The cook screamed back.
"WHAT?!" He screamed back, along with Chopper.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Nami yelled, sighing a deep sigh. "You idiots."
You and Robin both giggled.

"Alright, I got the food prepared. Is everyone here?" Sanji announced, looking around.
"Hey, where's Usopp? I haven't seen him all day."
Nami stood up and looked around with him, followed by Zoro, then Robin, then everyone else.
"I haven't either." Nami shook her head.

Suddenly, you heard panting and heavy steps from the stairway.
"Huh?" You whispered, as you saw the door swing open.

The sniper ran in, panting.

Everyone watched him, as he ran toward you. He kept panting.
"H-hah- u-uh, (Y-Y/N), h-hah..." He got a hold of the wall.
"You ok..?" You asked, sweating a bit.

"Y-you can't spell 'Usopp' without 'us'!"

"Hah?" You laughed, tilting your head.
"Y-yeah!" Usopp eagerly shook his head, as everyone else started laughing their heads up.
"Is that some way of asking me out, long-nose?" You asked playfully.
He blushed.

"I-I love you!"

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