Chapter 3 | Break.

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That is Maria Monte! She's so gorgeous. Her name is Jae, and her instagram is.....LittleMissJae.

I hope you enjoy!


I cracked open my eyes and looked around. I was back in my room.

Last night, we just sang and then after, we all decided to leave since it was getting late and Maria had school.
I yawned and stretched before getting up, and went to wake up Maria.

She took a shower and I dressed her into black leggings with a light gray sweater and her vans. I let her curly hair fall down and I put on a burgundy little beanie on top of her head.

She brushed her teeth, and I got her backpack and made her breakfast.
I ate waffles with her, before taking myself a shower and changing into black sweats with a white shirt and I put my hair in a bun. I brushed my teeth and slipped into some shoes, then went back out.

"Ready?" I asked. Maria was finishing up her homework. She nodded and put it away and I drove her to school.

"I love you, I'll see you when I pick you up." she smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I love you, mommy." she then went to her teacher and inside the class.


I had went home, and got ready for work. I changed into black jeans and my white work shirt with my name tag and this time, I put my hair in a cute, but messy bun.

I was now at work having a conversation with Janet about the dinner last night. She practically knew my life story, so I told her about Ben and she just shook her head and gave me advice.

"Beat the shit out of him."

That was her advice.

I chuckled, "Yeah, not going to happen. He would snap me."
"Well, sometimes you gotta have faith in yourself." she smirked.
I rolled my eyes, "Who says I don't have any faith?"

"Me." Carlos piped in. I glared at him as he just laughed. "It's true, you need a night out though. How about tonight? We can all go to that one club, around the corner." he suggested.

I pursed my lips, "I have a child, if you didn't remember."
"You parents can watch her for the night, just come on. You need a break." Janet said.
"I had a break last night, at the dinner."

Janet gave me an are-you-serious look. I sighed and gave in. I mean, I can actually use a night like this. Hanging out with my close friends sounds good.
"Fine, I'll go."

They all cheered and I chuckled.


I was now at home, basically destroying my closet. I had already picked up Maria and she was in her room playing. I had told her that tonight, she was going back to my parents' house.

Janet and Carlos wanted me to meet them at the club at 8pm. I was taking an uber, just in case I get drunk because I do not want to crash my car.

Oh, and I don't want to drunk drive either.

I kept throwing clothes everywhere looking for an outfit. I have nothing to wear! I passed dresses, jeans, tops, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, but I still couldn't find anything.

I groaned in frustration. I scanned my closet again as I spotted a black dress. It was tight, but not too tight, and it went mid-thigh, just like my other one. This one had long sleeves though, it went all the way to my wrists. There was an open hole in the center of my chest, showing half of my boobs.
I fixed the dress up a bit, then grabbed an all white jean jacket and pulled it on. I slipped into black heels then did my hair into light curls.

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