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They arrive at Cory's parents house

Topanga: The kids are sleep

Cory: I'll get the girls. You get Auggie.

Topanga: OK

Topanga picks up a sleeping Auggie while Cory picks up both Maya and Riley and has their heads rest on each shoulder

Amy: You guys made it

Cory: Yeah where do we lay the kids?

Amy: Follow me

Amy leads them to the guest house

Topanga: This is amazing

Amy: Believe it or not Alan designed it

Cory: My father a designer *gasps*

Amy: There's just 2 rooms. The master bedroom and the twin bed bedroom.

Cory: Are they our old beds?

Amy: No, but they're that size

Topanga: Will 2 kids fit on one

Amy: Yeah they can.... probably not Riley and Maya, but Auggie and one of the girls can share

Topanga: OK

Cory lays Maya onto the twin bed than Riley on the other bed while Topanga lays Auggie next to Riley with pillows on the other side of him so he doesn't fall off

Cory: I'll change Auggie into his sleeping clothes

Topanga: I'll do the girls

They change the kids into their pajamas and tuck them into bed than go into the main house with Amy

Eric: My Brotha! *hugs Cory* Pangers! *hugs Topanga*

Morgan: Where are the kids?

Topanga: They're already in bed sleeping

Morgan: Aww how big are they? The last time I saw them was Riley's 9th birthday which was 6 months ago.

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