Chapter 17: Trust Me

Start from the beginning

I immediately jump into the water in a panic. I never properly learned how to swim but I splash and kick my legs continuously in order to inch toward her. She is so far out it makes my body ache. I do not stop. I can't even think about stopping knowing it's my sister screaming. The one who let me run, the one who said she was right behind me and then never came; my older sister by 52 seconds. Her cries for help get louder so I swim harder and I don't dare to look back at the shore. I push away all the thoughts and fears swarming in my mind and focus on her delicate voice.

I swim for minutes, not stopping. I ignore my lungs plea for air and I keep going. It feels like it is never ending. Each time I progress and get closer, she just seems farther away. When I finally can't breath, I pause for a second and look up at the sky. I turn back to the booey only to see it empty.

"Ellie!" I scream, nervously turning around in the water looking for her. But she is gone. I then look back to the beach only to find no land. It is all gone. I am surrounded by nothing but water and fear. Then, the waves disrupt my fear and take over my body. I begin to sink. But I don't stop myself. I let it happen."

By the time I finish typing, I am in tears. I notice I should have chosen a farther away library from school because I practically hear his heartbeat as he enters through the huge doors. I shut down the computer quickly and duck my head so he can't see me at the computers. Looking up with just my teary eyes, I see him searching, determined, charging by every computer desk and looking in.


I quickly scoot up from my chair and run into one of the many aisles of books. It almost feels like a maze. I must be fucking Harry Potter.

I run through the first aisle and enter the fiction one passing two teens making out. I know he must have seen me get up from my seat because I hear his breathing behind me but I block out his voice.

I don't want to see him.

I run the opposite direction back down an aisle to try to trick him, making my way through the children's section and back into bibliographies. I realize I am now running. I pass two aisles then run down it and turn right. I am close to the exit, but not close enough. I feel a hand wrap around my waist and swing me around, pushing me against the wall. His hand clasps over my mouth as I stare at him in a panic.

"Don't scream." He breathes. I don't know why I am listening to him, but I stay silent and his hand loosens over my mouth. Just as he reaches down in his pocket I twist under his grip and escape from his grasp. I start running for the door but I am grabbed again, this time swung over his shoulder and carried back deeper into the empty aisles. He sets me down gently and keeps his hands on my hips while I flare my nostrils at him.

"Why me?" I say and I can he tell he knows.

"Listen Charlie..." Harry begins but I shake my head at him.

"I have been through too much to be a part of some little frat boys' games." I whisper, terror sounding in my voice. Harry shakes his head slightly.

"This is more than a game Charlie. I know you don't want to, but you have to trust me."

I shake my head repeatedly. I don't believe in trust. Not anymore.

"You have to let me help you."

"Not until you explain." I cross my arms.

"Charlie, I can't do that. I know it doesn't make sense but you have to trust me on this one."

"Why should I? You hurt Dominique." I whisper in horror. His eyes twist.

"What are you talking about?" he whispers, grabbing my elbow and pulling me against him.

I look at him laugh. "Don't you dare play dumb. You live in some sick kind of sick world Styles but I need you and your friends to leave me the fuck alone."

Harry looks befuddled and I wonder if it's because he seriously expects me to just fall under his grasp and open my legs or something.

"Charlie, I just, I need you to listen to me. I don't want you to get hurt so I need you to stay with me."

I laugh. "Never." I get up to his face.

"If they hurt you..."

"Who is they Harry? You expect me to trust you when I know nothing."

He steps back for a moment and observes me. "He'll destroy you." He whispers. The way he says he makes my teeth clatter.

"Let me protect you."


"If you just stay with me, they can't hurt you. They'll give up." He says uncertainly. 

I open my mouth to protest, but Harry quickly covers it with his hand and shifts his head to the side to listen.

"Someone is here." He whispers, slipping his hood over his head. Without speaking, he takes the hood from the back of my head and slips it over mine.

"On the three, I am going to do something and you aren't going to like it."

"What?" I ask, worried.

"I need you to go with it." He licks his lips.


"1...2...3." He whispers as the voices get closer and suddenly, his lips are pressed to mine. Our heads are facing the opposite wall and Harry's lips feel warm against mine, sending a shock of electricity up my spine.

Just go with it.

I quickly slip my tongue under his top lip and he greedily opens, accepting my request. I imagine his lips to be plump grapes, matching with mine. His teeth slowly graze my bottom lip and for a moment, I forget why I am kissing him. Slowly and hesitantly, he pulls away and smirks at me. I turn behind me and the voices are gone.

"Why?" I whisper.

"We just look like a couple of teenagers snogging." He smirks and I somewhat understand his logic.

"Do you trust me, Charlie?" he whispers and I immediately shake my head.

"Well, it is time to start. Go back to your dorm, lock your doors and do not leave. I will come by later tonight and make sure you are okay." He whispers.

"Make sure I am okay or hurt me?" I mutter and his eyes harden.

"That wasn't me...I wasn't thinking Charlie. I will never touch you like that, I will never hurt you. I want to close your scars not open them." he whispers stepping closer to me, his lips looking even damper than before.

"Then you have to prove that." I whisper stepping back and turning around. I don't know where I am heading but I know that I don't feel safe at Marson, not right now.

And I don't know if Harry is manipulating me or if I can trust him after all the things he has said but I do know one thing, though I will never say it aloud.

My lips yearn for his.

Mary Kall's POV

I put the pastries in the oven and dust off my apron as I hear the door ring. Today hasn't been a busy day, which certainly isn't helping the bills. I look up from the register and smile at Charlie.

"Charlie sweetheart, you don't have a shift today." I say, a bit confused by her sudden appearance. Though I have a feeling why.

"I...I need to stay here tonight, if that is alright with you. I need a break from Marson." She breathes. The girl looks like she just saw a ghost so of course I agree. I slip under my pocket and dig out a key for her and tell her to go rest. As I watch her walk up the stairs I run into the kitchen and grab my phone hastily.

Quickly I pick up my notepad and dial the number.

He picks up immediately, harsh breathing coming from the other line. I am beginning to think this isn't worth it, worth anything. She's innocent, reminds me of myself as a teenager. But I already agreed.

"She's here." I breathe into the phone, running my thumb under the wrinkles by my lips.

"Yes of course. I will make sure of it." I say and hang up.

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