Afraid of High School

Start from the beginning

“You really should eat.”

“I’m okay,” she said.

“No you’re not, here.” I handed her bits of my food multiple times. She’d accept. Well it was one way of getting her to eat.

I saw some people point towards me and that’s when it all started. People started coming over asking for hugs or pictures or autographs. Tosh looked so awkward when they came over.

*Natasha’s PoV*

Everyone who came over was giving me a dirty look. All the girls looked pissed at me as if I had stolen him or something. It felt horrible to think that they could think of me that way. The guys would look down at the bags of things Adam bought me and give me a look as if I were using him.

A girl came over. She had neon green hair and tons of accessories on. She had in pink contacts and looked completely fake.

“Hey Adam,” she said slyly. “Can I have a hug?” She bit her lip and stared right as me as he gave her just a quick hug but she pulled him back in. She stared at me and she pretended to kiss him. He pulled away and backed up quickly and she walked away but by my ear whispered “Jealous?” then chuckled and blew a kiss at Adam.

Under my breath I whispered “Whore.”

Adam looked at me, his cheeks were red and his eyes were shocked. “Wanna go home?” he mumbled.

“Uhm, yeah let’s do that…”

We got into the car and his music started playing. The main thing he would play was John Lennon. I love John Lennon’s music just not him as a person really. I decided not to mention it. It got silent, both of us taking in the music but then he started to talk.

“So, I have you signed up for school…”

“What?!” I haven’t gone to school since I was eight. I picked up on things along the way but I doubt I’m up to just average. Plus I’m not known for my skill of making friends.

“I signed you up for highschool. Summer’s nearly over and I decided it’d be nice to start out fresh,” he said.

I was horrified. High school? I left school in third grade! I didn’t say anything. The entire ride back I kept panicking, thinking about school. How is it gonna be? Like elementary school? Or totally different, oh god I’m screwed.

Once we got to the house I grabbed all my bags and tossed them in my room and fell back on a bean bag. What am I going to do? How do I survive this? All the worries crossed through my mind. I need fresh air. I changed into my new nirvana shirt and some ripped up jeans. I shook my hair and let it fall messily. I got some black converse on and grabbed a black jacket. I don’t fully remember where I got it from. It was baggy, definitely not my size. I walked down the steps and saw Adam on the couch.

“Hey, uhm, I need some fresh air I think. Mind if I go to the park?” I asked him.

“Oh, yeah just be back before it gets too dark okay?”

“Alright!” I said as I headed out the door. I ran off to the park. The air was kind of cold and it felt amazing to run in. I had no idea what I was going to do there. I walked up and was about to head towards the swings when I saw someone.

It was a guy. He was tall and skinny with blondish brown hair that stood up crazily. That’s when I remembered. JIMMY! That’s where I got the jacket from! I ran up and sat on the swing next to him.

“Uhm, hey,” I said, not quite sure how to start the convo.

He looked surprised. “TOSH!!!” He pulled me into a full on bear hug. “I missed my turtle and my jacket.”

I laughed a little awkwardly. “Sorry about that. There’s been some drama going on so I haven’t been here in a while. Here.” I took off the jacket and handed it to him but he turned it down.

“Keep it,” he said while looking straight into my eyes. His eyes are so gorgeous, a nice crystal blue. “It’s freezing out and with the drama you need something to remind you that you’ve got me!” He had a goofy smile that just made me wanna smile.

“Thanks,” I said. I was probably getting the same goofy smile as him.

“So…What kind of drama is going on?” he asked me.

“Uhm…just stuff. Ya know, nothing,” I replied.

He just gave me that ‘Really?’ look. “Come on girl, I know something’s up.

“Uhm…well…I got adopted…” I said. I was quiet for a second. “Also I’m going to high school and…well…I’m scared…”

He stared at me for a second. “You’re adopted?!”

“Yeah… the last time we talked I didn’t have a family. I ran away a long time ago and I finally got adopted.”

I was surprised when I felt two arms wrapped around me. Jimmy was hugging me tight. I couldn’t help but hug him back. I don’t know how long we stayed like that. Maybe it was only 10 seconds but it felt like a thousand years.

“You shouldn’t be afraid of high school,” he said backing up. “What school will you be going to?”

“No idea…” I said.

“Well don’t be scared. I’m looking forward to it. My friends and I are all going to the same school and as long as I have them I’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll find friends where ever you go and you’ll do fine.” He gave me a reassuring smile.

I’m still nervous but I guess he helped a bit…

We sat on the swings and just talked for what seemed like hours. It started to get dark out so I said goodbye and headed home. I couldn’t get my mind off high school. I laid in my bed thinking about  how scared I really am and how safe I felt in Jimmy’s arms…


Hey guys! sorry it's been so long but i've had some junk going on and i finally got a chance to write. i hope you enjoy it!

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