Chapter 13

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Holly got home and went straight to her room.
Her mum came in and started to talk to Holly.
"So what are you doing tonight Holly"
"I'm going out"
"Jess and Bolt & all them"
"ok be back for 11"
"yes that's fine"

As soon as Rachel had left the room Holly begun to get excited knowing Jess was coming round in 5 minutes to get ready with her.

She heard footsteps on the stairs and instantly knew it was Jess, Jess came running through Holly's door.
"Why you running"
"Eddie's come round and he's brought a dog and it was chasing me"
"Sorry lets get ready"

Holly put songs on her speaker and they got ready. Holly did Jess' make up cause she was good at it, then she did her own. Jess put on a red bodysuit with black jeans showing a little bit of cleavage as she was dedicated to Marley, with her open toe red heels & Holly wore a khaki bodysuit showing loads of cleavage for Bolton, with black jeans and black heels.

Holly and Jess were ready, so Holly went downstairs to go outside for a cig considering her mum had gone for a walk with Eddie.
She lit up a cigarette, it made her feel chilled out until Jess came outside nagging her scared that tonight could be her first time.

"Holly I'm scared"
"It's good don't be"
"Are you glad Bolton was your first"
"Yes definitely, my mum loves him for one"
"I love Marley if that helps"
"Just go for it Jessica whatever happens I love you"
"I love you too Hol"
Holly docked her cig out and turned to Jess
"Come on girl lets go"

Holly and Jess walked towards Bolton's house when they got there everyone was there.

Bolton saw Holly coming in the room and ran over to her.
"You look gorgeous"
"Thank you"
He kissed her and then took her to the kitchen to get a drink.

"What do you want babe"
"Vodka and Coke"
"There you go"
"What time your mum want you in"
"11 she's being generous cause she knows I'm with you"
"Oh Mason can be decent"
Paul shouted Bolton so Bolton went in his living room

Amy Porter walked in with Jesse. Holly gave her a dirty look and went to find Jess.
"You seen who's here"
"No who"
"Amy and Jesse"
"Wtf who invited them"
"No clue"

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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