Chapter 6

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Rachel thought about what Holly had said and went to pay Eddie a visit.

she was shocked with what she saw though, Eddie was crying.

"Eddie whats wrong"
"Mel made me choose"
"choose what"
"you or her"
"i chose you"
before Rachel could reply Eddie kissed her deeply and Rachel responded, they stopped when someone cleared there throat behind them.
It was Holly.
"what did i tell you mum"

*later that night*
Holly was in her room when there was a knock at her door.
"come in"
"hey hol, do you mind if i go out tonight"
"no im going bolton's anyway, you meeting eddie"
"ok & yes"
"ok mum & mum make it work let him in"
"i will"
"love you mum"
"love you too holly"

*Getting ready*
Holly had received a text from Bolton saying they where going to a party so wear something nice. She went to her wardrobe and picked out a short red dress, which flashed a lot of cleavage. She began to do her make up, making sure she went overboard, she then straightened her hair & put her dress on!

Just along the hall Rachel was deciding what to wear for her date with Eddie. She decided she would ask Holly for help.
"yeah mum"
"oh my you look beautiful, could you help me"
"thanks & wear the purple one mum"
"are you sure"
"im off love you"
"home by 12"
"same to you"
"oi cheeky"

Bolton opened the door
"omg baby girl you look peng"
"thanks babe"
"right shall we go to this party jess and that are coming"
"yeah yeah"

*Earl Kellys party*
They arrived at Earl's there was about 60 people already there, Holly let go of Bolton's hand & went to find Jessica.

"What the hell Jess"
"why are you kissing marley"
"he kissed me"
"isnt he with flick"
"shit yeah"
"exactly jess"
Jess ran into the toilet and vomited.

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