Chapter 2

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Bolton turned up at Rachels office!
"Bolton what's going on"
"Miss i couldnt let him speak about you like that, he has no right"
"Bolton im a big girl, i dont need people getting into trouble because of me"
"Yeah but miss youve helped me through loads of crap, i owe this to you"
"Bolton just keep your head down for the rest of the day"
"But miss"
"Do it for me"
Bolton sighed, then walked out of Rachels office.

Rachel sunk into her chair and closed her eyes, could her day get any more stressful!

*PSHCE Lesson*
"Mr Grange are you Holly's Dad"
"Yes i am"
"So you with Mason"
"no im not"
"why not"
"because we split up"
"but why"
"it has nothing to do with you"
"but why"
Rachel walked past Peters lesson, she stopped when she saw Paul arguing with Peter.
Rachel walked into the classroom
"What the hell is going on in here"
"Paul is overstepping the mark talking about my private life"
"Paul of to the cooler please, Mr Grange a word"
Peter followed Rachel outside
"Peter under no circumstances must you talk to a pupil like that!"
"Im sorry it wont happen again"

The Bell rang for the end of the day, Rachel began to pack her stuff up and went to collect Holly from Mr Mead in the cooler.
"Holly come on now, thank you Mr Mead"

Holly got in the car with her mum.
"Holly sweetheart what happened"
"Everybody was calling me for Mr Grange being my dad, i couldnt take it so i just went to the cooler to calm down"
"He probably wont be coming back but dont get your hopes up as for taking yourself to the cooler, im proud of you Holly"
Holly gave her mum a fake smile and the journey home was a silent one.

As soon as Holly got in she ran upstairs and sat on her bed she logged into facebook to message her best friend Jessica.

Holly Mason- Hey Jess, sorry i left you in english with budgen did you survive😝

Jessica Gordon- Hey Hol, it was awful, he made me go in a group with Sambuca Kelly and Amy Porter😫

Holly Mason- Harsh, anyway you out tonight not staying in!

Jessica Gordon- Yeah, come mine soon as x

Holly Mason- Will do x

Rachel & Holly's livesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora