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Making that puppy face to get some work done from your best friend.

Even though they aren't going to fall into your trap.


We know guys we haven't updated for about a month.
Sorry for that.

But a really really bad thing had happened to us.

You dear Pranksters aren't together now.

Pranksteen Arr i.e. my school was changed and so I have barely conversed with the other pranksters.

Zee is now in other section and Kay and Kat are also in separate sections.

In short we are all divided after we entered Class 11th.

We all are pretty sad about that.

And this friends ' book is like a salt to our wounds.

And we are also sad that this book is gonna be over soon (remember that we are allowed to write only 200 chapters.)

Okay this went too emotional.

And let's get a bit cheerful.

So now a biiiiiiiiiig THANKS to you all. The love and support you showed was literally amazing.

Now I will save this thanking but to the last chapter and also those teary goodbyes.

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