“What?” was all that he could say. It came out nearly as a whisper.

“Yeah, right after my mom died. I was too busy grieving that I didn’t notice her slipping away. It was Kevin who found her before it was too late.”

Julian nodded as he took in that information. He couldn’t stand the thought of Joanna drowning on her own venomous thoughts as she tries to kill herself. The thought was almost nerve wrecking.

“But then..” Mark said and Julian was snapped back and away from his reverie, “When I visited her at prison the first time, she was different. Something was different about her. Like, she was excited about something, about life.” Mark said wistfully, calling back those days, “Her eyes… I could finally see the brilliance on those green eyes.” he smiled widely at the memory.

“Kevin told me about everything, and I thought maybe it was your help that brought her up like this. I was happy for her. It’s ironic, really,” Mark produced the sound of a very sad chuckle, “she was in the most dangerous position of her life, and yet she was different, vibrant! She even almost told me things. She never tells me things.”

“She was happy.” Julian said suddenly, making Mark look at him with wide eyes before he realized that Julian was answering his first question.

“When she was with me, she was happy.” He said again, “Like you, I always though she was dark and closed. But then, little by little, small hints of her true self started to show. And it was beautiful, those small things.” Julian said thoughtfully, not helping the small smile that formed on his face. He remembered the fierce way she defended Hank when she first came in. “She always fascinated me.” Julian chuckled.

Mark smiled softly. It was obvious he cared so much for her, truthfully. Joanna always though he did it out of guilt, but the truth was, Mark really wanted her to be happy.

“I guess I’ll have to thank you then,” Mark said, earning a very surprised look from Julian, “You saved her.. From her self, I guess.”

Julian stared at him for a moment before he shook his head, “No, man.” He brushed his dirty blonde hair back with his finger and added, “She saved me from my bitter and evil self.”

Mark laughed softly, “Well, that sounds like her.” he said.

“That’s why..” Julian started again, “We, I, must save her tomorrow, no matter what the cost is.”


Joanna snapped awake at the piercing pain that was digging up on her skull as the evil Aiden waked her up. He was pulling her hair up with such force that she thought the strands might be slowly pulled out of her sculp.

“Sleep well, blonde?” He spat and she couldn’t help but send him a hateful glare.

“What with that look?” He said in a low and dangerous voice before he tugged harder on her hair making her wince on pain.

Joanna was forced to ignore that pain as another one presented its self at the back of her throat.

It was thirst, and it was achingly burning.

She licked her lower lip and discovered that her tongue was semi-dry too. Aiden finally released her hair; apparently he got bored when she didn’t screech like normal girls would have.

“Brad, I’ll be back in a minute. You think you’ll be ok with her?” Aiden asked over his shoulder as he looked back at his brother who was sitting quietly on a wooden chair, staring at… well, nothing, and Joanna was taken aback by the soft tone Aiden used on his brother. It was almost.. Gentle.

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now