"What am I gonna wear?" Jisoo nervously muttered to himself as he walked to his room dizzily, bumping into the walls and stumbling over his own two feet.

"You think he's gonna be okay?" Seungcheol asked Jeonghan, a concerned look on his face.

"I dunno. Is that really what you're thinking about right now, though? We haven't been alone together all day," Jeonghan pouted, and Seungcheol's ears turned red. The two of them walked to Jeonghan's room, shutting the door behind them.

"I don't know what to wear," Jisoo mumbled to himself in his room, his soul leaving his body.

It was currently 6 P.M., and Jisoo was trying to put together an outfit for his date. He was originally going to put an outfit together right after he came back from school, but then he got a notification for a new chapter of a web comic he liked. After that, he completely forgot about getting ready for his date, until now.

"Jeonghan! I need your help again!" Jisoo yelled, barging into Jeonghan's room. He stopped at the door, his eyes wide as he stared at Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

"I'm so sorry! I'll knock next time!" Jisoo shrieked, shielding his eyes. He left the room quickly, and Jeonghan sighed.

"Seungcheol, can you grab my shirt?" Jeonghan asked. "Actually, no, you get dressed too. If I have to suffer, you're suffering with me." The two boys got dressed and walked to Jisoo's room.

"What is it, Jisoo?" Jeonghan asked in an annoyed tone.

"I don't know what to wear again," Jisoo responded, his face fallen. Jeonghan sighed.

"Honestly, you're hopeless. You're going to a concert, so just put on some nice jeans and a casual shirt. If that's all, we'll be going now," Jeonghan stated, turning to leave.

"Jeonghan, don't be so harsh! Don't worry Jisoo, I'll help you," Seungcheol said, looking through Jisoo's closet.

Jisoo smiled with relief, but Jeonghan glared at him, and he winced. Seungcheol took out a pair of dark blue jeans and a white shirt.

"Here, wear these. Don't bother bringing a coat. If you don't bring one, Seokmin will share his with you when you're cold, or he may even give it to you," Seungcheol explained.

"That's smart. Thanks, Seungcheol! You're the best!" Jisoo told him with a grin. Jeonghan huffed and grabbed Seungcheol's hand.

"If you're done now, then we'll be leaving," Jeonghan said, dragging Seungcheol out of the room.

Jisoo spent the next fifteen minutes fidgeting with his clothes and brushing his hair. He put in his earrings and grabbed his phone. Jisoo checked his hair again in his phone's camera as he walked down the stairs. He jumped when the doorbell rang, and he ran to open it.

"Hi Seokmin! I need to put on my socks and shoes, but I'll be out in a second," Jisoo told him.

Seokmin nodded and waited outside patiently. Jisoo joined him a moment later, bouncing with nervousness and excitement. The two walked to the nearby bus stop together.

"So I was thinking that first we could go to this café that's close to the venue, and then we could walk to the concert. What do you say?" Seokmin asked, glancing at Jisoo coolly. Jisoo broke out of a trance and stared back at him, confused.

"Um...sorry, did you say something?" Jisoo said with a blush.

"Were you staring at me?" Seokmin smirked.

"N-no! I just got distracted. What did you say earlier?" Jisoo stuttered.

"I said that I'll take you to a café close to the venue first, and then we'll go to the concert when we're done eating. Sounds good?" Seokmin responded. Jisoo nodded, and the two of them got on the bus.

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