Chapter 8 - Defiance

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Marilyn had dinner with her parents and Bruce that evening. She doesn't listen as they make small talk about sports, and other things going on.  Her mind is solely on everything  going on in her life. She couldn't think of anything else though she wanted too. But it was a struggle to think of other things.

How could it be any other way? She was just released from the hospital, and they left the school a few hours ago. Besides, what else could she think about? Bruce Hayes? The good looking boy who was still hanging around her for whatever reason? Yes. He was more than a good distraction. She gazed at him as he ate, and he noticed. His smile for her was warm, and assuring. She couldn't wait until her parents retired for the night so they could get a chance to talk. Maybe they'd get a chance to walk under the moonlight. They'd look in each others eyes, and smile.

It felt good to have these thoughts again. She thought of Bruce while she was in the hospital, but she didn't get a chance to think of him as a boyfriend. She'd been fighting to keep her sanity, which frightened her. A lot of things frightened her especially,the way she'd been singled out for bullying. It didn't make sense to her.

"Hey," Bruce called as his eyes burned with admiration. "Are you ready to start your new school? I was telling your parents here, that you won't be going alone for I'm transferring too just like I told you. I can't wait to be honest. I'm more than ready to leave those harpies behind in that school. They caused enough trouble. Let them bully somebody else you know. Only this time they  may get their asses handed to them."

"Let's not talk about it anymore Bruce," Mrs Lewis suggested. "Like you said let's put it behind us now. It shouldn't be hard getting the transfer. I did speak to that teacher, and she admitted how wrong  she was to-

"Mom, Bruce...Dad..." Marilyn began hesitating somewhat. "I made a decision. But you're wrong Bruce. Those bitches should never bully anyone else." She was fuming, and Bruce quickly apologized.

"Hey take it easy," he replied amusingly. "I don't wish that either. It was just an expression I guess. You know just-"

"Oh never mind! Like I said I made a decision about this transfer. I don't want it."  This threw everyone off guard. Her parents stared at her in shock.  Bruce's eyes widened. 

"What?" her father asked totally astonished. "What do you mean you don't want the transfer? There is no way you're going back to that school."

"Your father is right honey. We already started the paperwork. Why would you want to stay in such an environment for? You were hospitalized thanks to that school. Lord only knows what may happen now. Oh no you're going to your new school young lady."

Marilyn couldn't believe this even as she couldn't believe she was fighting to stay in that hateful school to begin with.  She wanted to get away yes. However the thought of running sickened her. These girls couldn't just run her off. The more she thought about it the more it angered her. 

"I don't want to run!" she cries now rising up. Meeting Bruce's eyes she hopes he at least would understand. He shakes his head. He agrees with her parents. Marilyn glares at him.

"I don't want this transfer," she hisses. "Don't I have a say in this? I can handle going back to that school, and that class. They'll laugh at me if I don't. They're going to brag at how they caused me to break down and run. I can't let that happen. I'm going back!"

Bruce now spoke up. "No Marilyn they won't laugh at you. In fact you scared them actually. They're hoping you don't come back believe me. They're scared of you now. You don't need to go back there."

"Look!" roared her father. "I don't care if they laugh or not. You don't go to school to fight. You will not waste your time obsessing over what they think  of your transfer.  You're going to go to your new school, and focus on your classes, and making new friends. You're going to have to continue to attend therapy now, so we're not going to add to that problem by leaving you where those problems began in the first place. Let them talk, let them laugh, it doesn't matter because you're not going to be there. Your education and future are what matters now. Now sit down and finish your dinner with no more complaints. Now!" 

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