Chapter 4

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"Merlin I. AM. NOT. A FOOL. One last chance. Tell me now"

The next thing I know the letter is gone out of my hand and Merlin is just standing there

"OK mate"

Gawain, he had the letter

"Merlin mate, is the princess bothering you? Here have your letter"

I was mad

"Gawain you had no right"

"and you had no right either" Merlin voice spoke 

"Opening mail that does not belong to you is a crime and in Camelot law states not even the King is above the law. If i remember right it is 10 lashes for such crime"

I was taken back by Merlin's statement. I turned and smirk at Merlin

"the King can look at mail under suspicion"

Merlin then arch his eyebrow at me

"and tell me what crime am I under suspension for" crap Merlin knows more about the law than i thought 

"without a charge you can not open my mail"

"fine i won't open your mail"

"also if you did open it without a charge and you read it and find a crime in the mail the evidence gets dismissed. They are some of the oldest laws Camelot has" that spikes my interest 

"Merlin are you saying that you are committing a crime?" Merlin rolls his eyes and walks away, with his back turn to me he says

"bye Arthur I got to get ready to leave"

Merlin's P.O.V.

What the hell are they doing sending me a letter through the main mail room, are they trying to get me killed? When I get to my room I pulled out the letter and looked at the seal. My royal seal. i then ripped open and began to read the letter

 Dear Emrys

My Lord. I wish to celebrate your birthday with five of our closest friends. I also wish to help you in the settling of your new powers to come. me and our dear friends have a gift of a lifetime for you. I know that you are a busy person. Haha get the joke because you're not a real person. You are a warlock haha. Any way please take some time off. Come home, please for your birthday.

Your Friends; Averr, Prince Mike, Will, Evert, & Lovegood


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