"Lynn, you're not drunk." Bonnie told her. Lynn was confused, when she said this. She furrowed her brows at the two witches.

"Okay," Lynn nodded, more to herself, as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that Bonnie's grams is here. "So, why are you here, then?"

"We're gonna help Damon get Katherine out of the tomb." Bonnie explained, and the older witch beside her, sent her a look of shock. "Relax," Bonnie told her. "She knows all about me."

Lynn opened her mouth to speak, but she heard Stefan's voice from behind the three. She turned around and saw him appear out of what looked like the ground. "Cleared the debris away. Set the torches like you asked. We can get down now." He neared the trio, and when he saw Lynn he hesitated, slightly, before greeting her with a small 'hey'. He then carried on with whatever he was doing before Lynn was present.

She watched as the two witches and Stefan exchanged conversation. "What is that?" Bonnie asked him, gesturing to the red tanks that Lynn guessed were probably filled with gasoline.

"You gonna start a forest fire, or something?" Lynn asked, and Stefan straightened and gave her a look that said 'are you serious?' She shrugged, and he turned back to Bonnie.

"That's everything I need to destroy them." He told the witch. Lynn was about to ask who he meant by 'them' but was interrupted by Bonnie's Grams.

"Are you sure Damon will come back with her?" Lynn furrowed her brows at the woman. She felt slightly offended that they hadn't told her a thing about what the five of them were doing, but of course she didn't show it. As if on cue, someone whistled behind the witches, who turned out to be Damon. The four turned to face him, and Lynn watched as he approached with a grimoire in hand, and Elena following behind him.

"Brother, witches." He greeted, before letting his gaze settle on Lynn. "Adelynn?" This came out more like a question, than a greeting, like he did with Stefan, Bonnie and her Grams.

"Damon." Lynn replied.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"You know, that's actually a good question." Lynn started. "I was at the party, and now I'm here." She shrugged, as she looked around and noticed that said party was nowhere in sight.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" Damon asked her, with a small smirk.

"Maybe a little." He chuckled, slightly, and then made his way to the clearing Stefan had made earlier.

"Everything okay?" Stefan asked Elena, as Damon went down to the tombs entrance.

"I just want to get this over with." Was her reply. She turned to the witches. "Are we ready?

"I guess so." This was all Bonnie said, as she and her grams made their way to the tomb. Lynn also followed them, but she didn't get very far, as Stefan stopped her from going any further.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

She lifted her head and looked up at him. "The tomb." Stefan opened his mouth to tell her to stay here, but she cut him off. "Relax, I'm not going to ruin anything, I'll just stand there and watch as you do whatever it is you're gonna do." She didn't give him the chance to say something back, because she had already pushed passed him, and made her way to where Elena, Damon and the witches were.

"That's it? Just water from the tap?" Lynn heard Elena ask, as she finally made her way all the way down the steps that lead to where Bonnie and her Grams were going to do the spell.

"As opposed to what?" The older witch asked.

"I just figured maybe it have to be blessed or mystical, or something." The witches kneeled down next to the open grimoire, that lay on the ground, and Damon pulled out a blood bag. Elena was the first to notice. "What's that?"

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