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Chapter 1

Yondertown Square was a pretty place. Around three sides it had all the shops you needed. Butcher, baker, habadashery, milliner, dressmaker, blacksmith, ironmonger and a funny little shop squeezed in the corner that  no one knew quite what it was. It's windows were blanked out, some thought it to be a tailor for oversized gentlemen as it had the sign '  XXX Material' on the door.

Along the southside of the square ran the wall of the grandest house in town. Well at least it used to be the grandest house in town but had run in to considerable disrepair. Its once pristine white washed walls were now a dull peeling shade of grey. The cornflower blue shutters were flaking, some swinging precariously at the side of their respective windows.The ivy was out of control, on a mission to envelop the whole house. The once well kept gardens were turning in to a jungle. It's occupants only used one wing now as they could not afford to heat and light the remainder of the building. The empty part of the house was becoming damp, decayed with wildlife taking over. Within this once proud building lived Venessa Darwin and her two daughters Gonorrhea and Clamidia. They were the second wife and step daughters of the now departed Geoffrey Darwin the well known, loved and respected Lord of the Parish.

The three  would make their entrance in to Yondertown Square every Tuesday to purchase their meager rations. They tried to maintain their social status by flouncing around the square talking loudly about  social non events they had attended. Everyone knew this to be total bullshit. Who would want to invite a scathing egotistical self centred old bag in her mid fities to any respetable function. As for her daughters, well they made roadkill look appealing, but the poor disillusioned pair thought they were the bees knees.

There was how ever one bit of intrigue that hung around this beastly trio which kept them the centre of local interest. Everyone wanted to know where the heir to the estate was, Geoffrey's son Cinderfella.

Well readers I can tell you that.

Cinderfella or Cindy as he prefered to be known, was in the scullery. He had been there since hs third birthday after the death of his father. He was put to work as a servant to meet the three ladies every beck and call. Fourteen years had passed since that fateful day and the locals still could not understand where he had disappeared to.

" How's Cinderfella ?" they would ask

" Sick, very sick, bed bound, not able to get out at all " is all the information Venessa gave.

" Yes he's a poorly boy " the girls would chorus on cue.

Why Cindy you ask ? Well readers I can tell you that too.

Identity crisis.These were Cindy' s formative years. He had been shoved in the basement of the house, His only friends were the rats and mice that ran round all the time. The only people he saw were the three dragons when they came down to bark orders at him, therefor he only saw female clothing, in his junior years dresses were the common outfits for young boys, now he had to wear Gonnorrhea's and Clamidia's hand me downs as they refused to buy him any clothes of his own. He was sure he was a least he thought he was. He would cook, clean, wash, iron, pick up after the three old hags all day long, they stated

" Why do it yourself when you have a servant to do it for you "

He was convinced that if going to the toilet wasn't a natural function he would have to do it for them. For all the old house was dusty and damp the three of them insisted it be kept pristine just in case a gentleman should call,

" It might be a suiter for my beautiful daughters."

" It would have to be a blind deaf person with no sense of smell " thought Ciderfella. " They could curdle milk just by looking at it "

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