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Unlike the last two mornings, I don't wake up with a full face of blonde curls. No, I wake up to Conner shouting, "Who the hell are you, and why are you in our house?"

With a groan, I roll onto my back and rub my eyes with the heels of my palms. Just one lie in was all I was asking for. We don't have training this morning due to us having a game tomorrow night - Coach likes us to minimize the opportunity for injury the day before a game. It's eight o'clock. I was planning on having at least another hour.

"Woah, dude, calm down!" Another voice replies.

Clearly, Conner has found James. He crashed on our couch last night and Ashley crashed on Hailey's. I'm super happy that those two hit it off last night because honestly, having my girlfriend be friends with one my best friend's girlfriend's is going to make hanging out altogether a fuck load easier.

Getting out of bed, I pull on some sweatpants and make my way downstairs, finding Conner standing with a frying pan held over his shoulder like a baseball bat, over the couch. Honestly, a frying pan? It's not like we don't have hundreds of hockey sticks lying around.

James is lounging on the couch wearing just a pair of shorts that I gave him last night with a casual smirk on his face. "Hm, a frying pan? If you're going to hit me with it, can you make sure it's on my ass? I feel like that would turn me on more than if you hit my face."

Conner then sees me out the corner of his eye, leaning against the door frame and relaxes, the frying pan dropping from over his shoulder. "Where the fuck did you find this one?"

"Funny story there, actually," I start with a shrug. "First day of 9th grade."

He groans and shakes his head. "Fucking hell, Brody. A little warning of guests would be nice. Trust me, he's lucky it was only a frying pan I picked up."

As if he actually has anything else that would harm someone besides his hockey stuff.

"Ooh," James winks. "What else did you have in mind? I'm down for anything. Any props. Any clothing. Any position."

"Wait, there's another one?" Conner sighs. "I could deal with you and Liam but a third? Fuck this."

James then stands up. "I'm going to wake Li-Li up in the best way - pulling his hair. Really gets him going."

Once he's gone, Conner turns to me, and apparently, everything is written on my face. "No, Brody. It's not happening. I know what you're thinking."

I shake my head and collapse onto the other couch. "Why not? We move Owen up into the attic where he's wanted to move for the past year and then he can have Owen's old room."

"How long is he here for?"

"I don't know. He dropped out of college and now he wants to get a job," I answer with a shrug. "I don't see the problem, other than the fact that he knows exactly how to get on your nerves."

Conner frowns. "That's exactly the problem. People don't get on my nerves. They never have, but three minutes with the guy and I already want to rip his pretentious hair out."

"Ooh, kinky," James smirks as he comes back into the room. "I love it rough."

"Okay, I'm going to the gym," Conner announces. "Brody?"

I shake my head and sit up. "Nah, sorry, bro. I'm going to show James and his girlfriend around the area with Hailey."

"Wait, you have a girlfriend?" He asks James in disbelief. "Is she as kinky as you are?"

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