Chapter 2

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FRIDAY - November 19, 1976

The afternoon sun beat down on Sam's back as he jogged along the surf line. He wasn't a person who normally jogged but he felt the nervous energy buzzing through his veins and this seemed the best way to get rid of it for now.

He had a strange dream in the few hours that he'd slept last night. He dreamed of Sarah. She was sitting on his chest, her hands pressing his shoulders into the mattress. Wispy blond hair floated around his face and he heard her giggle then felt her push him back into the abyss that was suddenly behind him. Everything faded to black and he felt the whoosh of air surround him as he was free falling backwards.

He jerked awake and heard his heart pounding as it rushed the blood through his veins. The blood stopped at his dick, he felt it pulsing with need for immediate attention.

He rolled over and tried waking up Jesse, pushing his extreme hard on against her, trying to kiss her awake, even pleading for her to wake up but she only mumbled a few words and rolled away from him, falling back into a deep sleep.

Sam took out his frustration on the beach, his feet sinking into the sand and his calves were burning. He wasn't thinking about the pain, his mind was full of the memories of last night with Jesse and the thoughts of Sarah that had triggered that dream.

Since meeting back up with her in July, at that dive bar she and her group were playing in San Francisco, they had become a steady couple. A fucking strange couple.

Sam was still in a loveless marriage to Gisette. It had been a big fucking mistake and he wanted out. He reminded her of that the few times they had talked and he asked, repeatedly, for a quick divorce. And Gisette had refused, repeatedly. She threatened a scandal, publicity that would bring Sarah into the picture. He didn't want to do that.

He couldn't do that to Sarah, she was settled down, back with Pete; he pictured her living in the quiet town that she loved. The shame he'd felt before was still there, but it was slowly disappearing as he thought that maybe that was what she'd wanted all along. It didn't stop him from missing her.

Jesse was married to Cyrus Sparks, a drummer in a band called Electricity. Between his gigs and Jesse's, whatever few the She Devils were able to get, the pair didn't see each other too much. It was agreed by both that when they weren't together, they were free to sleep around.

Jesse and Sam were happy with meeting whenever they could. Sometimes they would get a whole weekend. And they were both insatiable when they got together, they used each others bodies, no feelings involved. At least, no heavy feelings. They cared for each other, that was as far as Sam could emotionally commit.

However, there were still some nights when Sam conjured up the image of Sarah's long blond hair and amber eyes. Imagined it was Sarah's small body that he was making love to. Sometimes the ache that came from missing her was so bad, this was the only way he could make it lighten up a bit. Last night was one of those nights and at the end he had an earth shattering, agonizing climax, the kind he always had when he thought of her.

He knew as soon as Jesse slid away from him and moved to the other side of the bed. She knew. Did he say Sarah's name? Fuck! He hoped he hadn't. He exhaled loudly, crawling out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

After Sam had come back from disposing of the condom, Jesse sat up against the headboard and reached for the glass of whiskey on the side table. Taking a gulp, she emptied the glass and set it gently down. The moon was bright, casting shadows over their faces. The silence was deafening. Sam lit a joint, smoking it as he joined her. She reached over to take the joint out of his fingers, then stood to walk over to the sliding doors.

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