Chapter1|| Breaking his heart

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Jordynn's POV:

"Please dont leave" luke beggs me while we are standing in the middle of the airport

"Im so sorry Luke i have no other choice" i say

"Please Jordynn! Come and live with me! Just dont go" he pleads

"I have to go, but I'll come back, this isn't the end of us Lukey, jus a see you later" i say

He looks me at me with tears in his eyes. He wraps his arms around me and we have our last hug before i leave. He slightly sobs, earning some strange stares from other people. What is so weird about to 15 year olds hugging and crying at an airport?

"Jordynn, we have to go now" my dad fletcher says as he picks up his large duffle bag.

"Im going to miss you so much!" I whisper

"Me too, i dont know what im going to do with out you" he whispers back

I pull away from the hug and give luke a small wave as we board the plane.


Why am i leaving? My dad got promoted at work and we have to move to London for 3 years. I had to leave my old life behind, my school, friends, sport and worst of all, my best friend luke hemmings. Luke and I are have been best friends ever since we met in kindergarten. Something clicked and we became inseparable. I told him all my secrets, he told me his. Moving countries was slowly killing both of us. We spent every second together in my last few days in Australia. I think my parents felt sorry for us so they let us have a week long sleep over together.


We took our seats on the plane and not long after we were in the sky. I watched as Sydney slowly disappeared into the distance, luke disappearing with it. What was he thinking about? Would i ever see him again? Are we still going to talk? All of these questions flooded in my mind as I aimlessly stared out the window. I hadn't realised it but tears were slowly emerging from my eyes.

"Jordynn don't cry" my older brother Shawn whispers

I curl up in a ball and plug my earphones in, readying myself for a long flight and an even longer 3 years....

~~ Arrived~~

We get out of the plane and through security. My Mum's niece ( our cousin) Tiffany was picking us up. We waited outside the airport until a black four wheel drive pulled up and a 20 year old, tall skinny brunette lady gets out and hugs my mum, dad, shawn, Renaee and I. Shawn was only afew years younger than Tiff. He had just turned 18. I was 15 and my little sister, Renaee was 13.

My parents made small talk while we where in the car. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and there was a message from Luke.

L- Hi Jordie, i miss you so much already!! I have to go to school now 😢 Wish me luck                                         Love from Lukey xxxxx

J- miss you too good luck! Im super jet lagged! Its like 1 am here!

"Is that Luke?" Renaee asks

"Yeah" i reply flatly

She snatches the phone off me and reads the text out loud

"Hi Jordie! Miss you so much already! Awww" she laughs and makes fun if me

"Is he your boyfriend Jordynn" Tiffany asks in a strong English accent

"No he is my best friend" I inform her


We soon arrive at our new house. It was smaller than our old house, but it looked really nice. We walked in and shawn, renaee and i ran upstairs to get the best room. Luckily i have been really sporty andfast my whole life so i beat them uo the stairs with my suitcase. I looked in all the rooms and ran into my favourite one. The largest one was my parents, so i took the next biggest one. I was an awesome room, not as good as my old one though. There was a large bay window and a walk in closet. My furniture had already been set up so i just had to decorate, make my bed etc.

I flaten the black and white aztec/mandala print bed spread. I open another box. It was full of photo frames and books. I set up my books up on my shelf and pull out my favourite one and place it on my bedside table. Next were the photos....

I pull out each one and look at ut before placing them around. My favourite was of luke and i. I put it next to my bed. Memories of him and i came flooding back into my head. When we were little we played in his back yard on one particular tree. We used to climb it to the top and pretend we were different things like pirates one day or monsters. Then his mum would call us down and gave us icecream. I think about when we were are the airport and how far we have become as friends and where we will be in the future....

Luke and i talked everyday until we both had lots of exams and school work. We slowly drifted apart but still occasionally talked and facetimed. It was getting harder and harder to connect with him. Ine of us wouldnt be able to talk. The time zones got in the way to. When i first left, we didnt care, we talked at 3 in the morning, we didnt care. But it was getting harder. I hadn't seen him for a year and we had lost all contact. We never talked or texted, it's like the spark just went out. I still missed him like crazy though. I had made knew friends here, i tried not to make to many  because i would be leaving back to Australia and I wanted there to be the smallest amount of casualties as possible. Luke had probably moved on.

I was at Alison's house (she was my new best friend). It was weird because I wasn't  used to having a girl best friend, it was fun though, not as fun as when like and i were.

"Lets watch YouTube videos!" She squeals

"Yay ok!!" I say

I don't know how we are friends, we are complete opposites. She is girly and im more of a tomboy.

" i saw this awesome band that does really good covers of songs" she exclaimed

"Ok show me" i reply

"Their name is 5sos" she says

"5sos?" I ask

"Yeah, it stands for 5seconds of summer" she explains

"Cool name" i say

She clicks on one of their videos and my body freezes in shock

"Luke?" I mutter under my breath

"What was that?" Alison asks

"I know him! He used to be my best friend!" I say

"Oh my gosh really he is really cute" she giggles

"He has changed so much" i chock tears firmed in my eyes

His hair was slightly more quiffed, not that much though, he looked bigger and his voice has changed so much. I remember when we used to jam out to music in his bedroom. He was a really good singer and he had matured so much. I was only realising know how much I actually missed him. It was killing me again....

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