Chapter 2

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Rachel's POV

I have been breathing hard since that last event. I am still wondering how we made it out safely. Those Sara and Sabrina trolls! Trolls think that they can just change the voice and appearance but there eyes will always glow red and the are as hard as rock. How do I know this? Why my favorite fairytale ever East of the Moon and West of the Sun.

"What happened to them?" Harvey asked. Sara was alway mean and rude but Sabrina was at least a little nicer and WAY less strong.

"That's not Sara and Sabrina." I said settling down on the stage in the gym. "They are trolls."

"What? How?" Harvey questioned tilting his head to the side.

"No clue."

"What did they mean by the Snow Queen?" He questioned. His expression has changed now to a weird guilty look. He knows.

"Why don't I ask you?" I said. Harvey sighed knowing he was caught.

"Well I did see this girl earlier out the window. She was around are age all dressed in snow white and icy blue. She also had a big crown of ice on her head."

I sat in astonishment. Did Harvey really see the Snow Queen? "You think that's her?"

"Well she was basically wearing snow, riding on ice, and had a icecrown. That fits into a snow queen for me." He was serious. That would explain why it is snowing in Florida but what does the Snow Queen want?

"Maybe we should tell the teachers what's going on?" I suggested.

"They'll think we are crazy." Harvey pointed out.

All of a sudden the crowd started to die. They were all leaving the gym.

"Where are they going!" Harvey questioned.

"Don't know."

"Let's follow them." He suggested.

I followed Harvey as he followed the crowd. Soon they all stopped forming a circle around something. Harvey and I pushed our way through the crowd to get a better look.

Harvey's POV

In front of our eyes stood Principal Turner. Frozen solid. I turned to Rachel to see her eyes full of shock and horror. People around us pulled out their phones to take a picture.

"What happened to him?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know but it's not good." I responded. Then out of the corner of my eyes I spotted that girl. The Snow Queen. We meet our eyes and just stared. Then she started to walk away, motioning me to follow.

"Um, Rachel I will be right back."

I started to walk but when I turned the corner of the hallway she was gone. Hmm.

I reunited with Rachel. She was in shock of what just happened. Not like I wasn't though. I mean, it started to snow in Florida, I saw the Snow Queen, Sara and Sabrina trolls tried to take Rachel, our principal is frozen, and I don't know what the Snow Queen wants from me.


While all this was happening there is a troll, far away in Norway, named Ugly. He was always teased and bullied but he had a plan that would change that. You see, Ugly made this mirror that sees the ugliest and worst in everything and everything. Besides snow, Ugly likes snow.

Whenever Ugly came upon those who were mean to him he would shove the mirror in there face and they would lose their self- esteem. The mirror will even make the prettiest landscapes seem like the ugliest piles of dust.

Ugly later wanted to show the world what he felt and vanish the hope on earth. When he was flying to Hawaii he dropped it down hitting Florida and it shattered into pieces. The pieces would go inside people's eyes and they would only see the worst in everything. Well a few of those shards just might've went inside the school. Just maybe.

Rachel's POV

Harvey and I started heading back to the gym. Harvey was in deep thought. Oh is that my locker!

Harvey's POV

What did the Snow Queen want with me? I stared into space in thought. Hmm... Then I saw something shiny bouncing on the ground. I knelt down to get a better look. After that all I saw was bright light shining in my eye. Wait, it's gone.

Rachel's POV

I turned around to see Harvey on the ground just laying there.

"You ok." I asked offering my hand. Harvey's eyes flew open. Something was different about them. He sat up and took one look at me and scolded.

"I don't need help." His joy was gone and that smile I always knew was no more.

"Well, ok." I said not knowing what to say. "Let's get back to the gym."

"The crowded gym with sweaty people and millions of windows and doors what people can break into. Tell me Rachel you don't want to be one of them. It's not safe in there the only place that's safe is out in the snow."

"Ok." I shyly answered. "I don't really think that the snow is the safest place though. We could freeze to death and it is out in the open."

"Rachel you never agree with me and always complain about the cold. You are colder than snow." He scolded leaving me standing in confusment. I wasn't trying to argue and I wouldn't even call that conversation a fight. I am confused.

Harvey's POV

Everything is horrible! The hallways I ran by were filled with dirt and junk everywhere. Couldn't they just have a better school, it could made out of diamonds. No, not diamonds. They are a rock and are related to the ugly black coal. Snow, It could be made out of snow. 

I ran to the nearest window and stared out at the sparkly substance in front of me. Snow has always been fascinating to me. Even my new understanding can't change that. My new understanding tells me the truth about everything. Snow is home and that is were I must go. Snow.

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