The Compromise

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

"Make way for the Queen of Narnia!!" I heard someone exclaim as we ran towards Aslan's camp. We stopped one we saw four cyclops carrying a throne, on which a tall, pale woman sat. The White Witch. "The Empress of The Lone Islands!!!" The dwarf that was walking ahead of her called. Many Narnians were shouting at the Witch, throwing rude comments, but she ignored them all, and stared at Aslan with cold icy glaze. The shouting of the Narnians ceased as the cyclops put the throne down on the ground, making her stand up with her head raised high. She then slowly stepped forward, walking towards Aslan. As she walked, she brought down her hateful stare onto Edmund, who started taking quick, sharp breaths. I reacted on instinct, and immediately wrapped a protective arm around him. My younger brother looked up at me for a second, before looking back at our enemy, who brought her gaze onto Aslan.
"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." She said coldly, making everyone start murmuring, and Edmund look down in shame. I rubbed his shoulder in a comforting manner.
"His offense was not against you." Aslan said calmly, making the White Witch glare at him, and send him a challenging look at them same time.
"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She asked in a daring tone, and something seemed to snap in Aslan.
"Don't you dare cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch!" He growled, making me jump. "I was there when it was written."
"Oh so you know, that each traitor's blood belongs to me." She said nonchalantly, making me glare at her. "He belongs to me."
"Go ahead and take him then!" Peter challenged, unsheathing his sword and stepping forward, pushing me and Edmund behind him. Many of the Narnians followed his lead and unsheathed their swords as well, making the Witch turn to look at Peter, and the minotaur, that I'm guessing was the White Witch's general, step forward as well and growl threateningly.
"Do you honestly think that strength is all it takes to take something away from me?" The Witch taunted, making me glare at her. "Little knight." I place my hand on Peter's shoulder, pulling him back and forcing his arm down. "Aslan knows that if the Deep Magic is broken," She said loudly and turned to face all the creatures in the camp. "All of Narnia will overturn, and perish in fire and water. This boy!" She called, pointing at Edmund sharply. "Will give his throat. On the Stone Table." Edmund started trembling, and all of our siblings turn to look at him with worried and fearful looks. I quickly wrapped my arm tighter around him, and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his head. I forced some magic through that kiss, making him calm down slightly. The White Witch smirked at him, causing my eyes to flash gold in anger. He eyes rested on mine, and I felt them glow in anger. Her eyes however, widened at the sight, and she staggered backwards, still staring at me. It was then that I realized why. I showed her my magic. And now she knows I'm the one who is destined to kill her. She regained her composure, and glared at me with the most intense glare I have ever seen. "You!" She growled, and stepped forward quickly, trying to reach me. I heard all the Narninas gasp in fear, as well as my siblings, but Aslan didn't do anything. And I found out why soon enough. On instinct, I raised my arm, with my palm positioned in her direction, and my eyes glowed once again, making her stop abruptly. But her glare only intensified. Suddenly, a bright glow emerged from my palm, making her stagger back once more. I allowed a smirk to grow on my face, and slowly put my hand down.
"Enough." Aslan stepped forward, making all of us look at him. "I will speak with you alone." He said, and started walking towards his tent. The White Witch however, remained where she was.
"She is to come with us." She declared, pointing at me. I looked at her, and then stepped forward with confidence. More confidence than I felt.
"Anna no!" My siblings called in unison, but I kept my gaze on the White Witch.
"So be it."

*45 minutes later, Susan's P.O.V.*

    We all sat on the grass, waiting. Itching with anxiety. The four of us were sitting in a circle. I was playing with two pieces of grass, trying to get my mind off of things that might be going on in Aslan's tent. I still can't believe all of this. A magical land in the back of a wardrobe, where a lion is King and cruel witch is Queen. That 'queen' almost killed my younger brother, and now is trying to get rid of my younger sister! The one that has always been the closest to me. She is close with everyone in our family, but we always had the closest relationship. I cannot loose her...
    We all looked up and quickly got up as we saw the White Witch come out of the tent. She held her head high, and radiated with confidence and triumph. She slowly walked down to us, and stared at Edmund with an expression I couldn't read, and then turned around to walk back to her subjects. We all looked over at Annabelle and Aslan, who exited the tent shortly after. I saw the two share a sad look, and everyone was deadly silent, awaiting the verdict of Edmund's fate. I wrapped my arm around Lucy, although I wasn't sure it was for her comfort or mine.
"She has renounced her claim to the Son of Adam's blood!" Aslan said loudly, making us all cheer and hug Edmund. I was in the middle of hugging him, with my arms wrapped around his shoulders, when the White Witch spoke up.
"How do I know your promise will be kept?!" She asked loudly, standing in front of her throne. I saw anger flare up in my sister and the Great Lion, and suddenly he gave a loud terrifying growl, glaring at the Witch. Annabelle's eyes flashed gold at the same time, and she radiated with power as wind started swirling around her. The Witch's eyes widened, and she quickly sat back on her throne, causing the Narnians to laugh and cheer once more. The cyclops then carried the White Witch away, and Annabelle ran down to us, joining us in a hug. We all hugged her tightly individually, and then as a group. She smiled at us all, but I noticed something. Her eyes held sadness and fear.

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