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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

    As soon as we realized the horrible truth, we didn't waste a second. We put on our coats as fast as we could, and ran out of the dam, with Mr. Beaver closely behind. I was even more worried about Edmund now, because I realized he didn't take his coat. He might freeze! It was already dark, and we were running through the knee-deep snow.
"Hurry!" Peter called from the front, and I quickly grabbed Lucy's hand to pull her through the snow. We finally got on top of the hill, from where we saw the White Witch's castle. But we also saw something else. Something that made my heart stop. We saw the gates of the castle open, and a human figure in front of them. Edmund.
"EDMUND!!!" Lucy screamed, and Mr. Beaver whipped around to look at her.
"Shhh! They'll hear ya!" Susan and I glanced at each other, and then suddenly Peter shot forward, but Mr. Beaver quickly held onto his hand.
"Let me go!!" Peter yelled, getting out of Mr. Beaver's grip.
"She's only waiting for this!!" Mr. Beaver yelled at Peter, and I stepped in.
"But we have to help him!"
"He's our brother!!!" Lucy stepped in as well, and Mr. Beaver shook his head frantically.
"He's the bait! She's wants to have all five of you! Especially you!" He pointed at me, and I looked at Susan in shock, who returned the gesture.
"Why?!" Peter and I both exclaimed, and Mr. Beaver looked at all of us individually.
"Because then, the prophecies won't come true! She'll kill you!!!" Susan, Lucy, and I all looked at Peter in shock and fear, and he returned the look. He then turned back around to look at the castle once more, and we all watched as the gates closed, with Edmund inside. Everyone was quiet for a moment, until Susan stepped closer towards Peter and faced him.
"This is all your fault." She accused in a strained voice, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape her eyes. peter whipped around and looked at her in disbelief, and scoffed.
"How is it my fault?"
"None of this would have happened if you would have just listened to me in the first place!" She yelled, her tone raising with every word.
"Oh, so you knew this would happen?!" Peter retorted, trying to hold back the tears as well.
"I didn't know what would happen." She answered in a quiet voice, and Peter stared at her. "Which is why we should have left!!!"
"STOP IT!!!" Both Lucy and I yelled, and they both looked at us.
"You won't help him by arguing." I said, and Mr. Beaver nodded, looking at Susan.
"She's right. Only Aslan can help him now." He said, looking at Peter pointedly.
"We'll meet with him." Peter said, and we all looked at the castle once again. After a few minutes I walked forward and grabbed Peter's arm gently.
"Come on. We can't stay here all night." I said, and he nodded, and turned around, walking away towards the dam. Lucy followed, with Susan closely behind. She still had tears in her eyes, so I wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders.
"Don't worry, Su. We'll be alright." I assured, and she nodded reluctantly. I opened my mouth to say something else, but was cut off by a wolf howl from the distance. We all looked in the direction the howl came from, and then faced Mr. Beaver, who's eyes were wide.
"RUN!!!" he yelled, and we didn't question him. We just ran.

*3 minutes later*

"Hurry, mother! They're hunting us!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed, as we all burst into the dam. Mrs. beaver turned around hearing the noise, and her eyes widened when she heard what Mr. Beaver said.
"Alright. Wait a second!" She said, and rushed to a shelf, grabbing loads of food.
"What is she doing?!" I exclaimed urgently, looking at Mr. Beaver, who just rolled his eyes and shook his head. I also knew what kind of a person/beaver Mrs. Beaver was, but this was not time for this kind of things!
"You'll thank me later." She said, getting bread from the cupboard. I looked over at Susan, only to see her rushing forward to help Mrs. Beaver. "it's a long way, and my husband gets pretty cranky when he's hungry." Mrs. Beaver explained, loading the food in a bag.
"I think we're all cranky now!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed.
"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asked, and Mrs. Beaver quickly walked over to her and started wrapping the jam in a cloth.
"Only if the Witch serves toast!" I exclaimed nervously, and we all whipped around, as Mrs. Beaver gasped, when we heard the wolfs barking and growling outside the dam.
"Oh no." Mrs. Beaver exclaimed quietly, and Lucy gasped when suddenly the wolfs started to break through the dam, trying to get inside. I whipped around to look at Susan, who had fear in her eyes, and sighed. I then quickly jogged over to her and Mrs. Beaver, and pushed all the food they had gathered into the bag.
"Confers te." I whispered, and the bag quickly closed itself, and I grabbed it in my hands, turning around to look at the others. "Is there another way out" I asked Mr. and Mrs. Beaver quietly, whist my older siblings looked at me in wonder. I felt a small hand grasp mine, and looked down, only to see Lucy with fear in her eyes. I gave her a small comforting smile, which she returned reluctantly, and gave the bag to Peter.
"There is." Mr. Beaver replied, and walked over to the wall. My siblings and I all looked at him in wonder, when suddenly he grabbed the very edge of the wall with his paw, and pulled it open, only to reveal a tunnel. "Get in!" He whispered, and got in himself. I pushed Lucy gently forward, and Susan right afterwards. Mrs. Beaver jumped in next, and Peter quickly turned around and grabbed a burning stick form the fireplace. I understood, and quickly got another one, before getting into the tunnel, closely followed by Peter at the end, closing the doorway. We then started running, when we heard the wolfs jump inside the dam. "This tunnel Badger and I dug out in case of an emergency.!" Mr. Beaver called out from the front, whilst Peter and I caught up with him. Peter was now running right behind Mr. Beaver, and I was running in between Susan and Mrs. Beaver. Lucy was behind us. The only source of light in the dark tunnel was from the burning sticks Peter and I got.
"In case you ran out of beer!" Mrs. Beaver scolded, making me chuckle silently. Still the same Mrs. Beaver I knew and loved. In a way I'm kind of glad those two hadn't changed. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Lucy fall down, and I quickly bent down to help her up.
"Lucy." Susan and I both whispered, helping her up to her feet, but we all froze when we heard the echo of the barks of the wolfs.
"They're in the tunnel." Lucy whispered in fear.
"Hurry, come on!!!" Mr. Beaver yelled.
"Hurry!" Mrs. Beaver urged, and we all started to run as fast as we could, bent over in the tunnel that was only about 4 feet tall. We ran a little further down, until we had to turn left. We all did, and then faced a dead end. "You should have brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver exclaimed, and Mr. Beaver turned around to face her.
"Exactly. A map, not jam!!!" he yelled, and jumped up, trying to get through the ceiling of the tunnel. He finally made a hole big enough for us to get through. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver went first, quickly followed by Susan, and then me. Susan and I then both turned around to help Lucy.
"Hurry, Lucy." Susan urged, and we both grabbed her by her arms, pulling her out. Susan and Lucy then stepped back, and I helped Peter get out. He and Mr. Beaver then used a barrel to block the exit, whilst I turned around when I heard Lucy fall down again. I rushed to help her up, but once I did, I froze. Lucy fell because she tripped over small animals turned into stone.I then noticed another animal turned into stone, that was a little bigger than the others. A statue of a badger. Badger. Mr. Beaver's best friend. Mr. Beaver then slowly made his way over to the statue of his friend, with Mrs. Beaver closely behind. He looked at the statue with tears in his eyes, and Mrs. Beaver placed her paws on his shoulders to somehow comfort him.
"I'm so sorry, dear." She said quietly.
"He was my best mate." Mr. Beaver said quietly, whilst my siblings and I slowly made our way over to them. WE looked at the statues of other animals around, and my eyes filled with tears.
"Is that the White Witch?" Peter asked quietly.
"That's what becomes of those who cross her." We all jumped at the sound of new voice, and looked in the direction of where it came from. On the rock next to the statues stood a fox. Peter quickly pushed Susan, Lucy, and me behind him, willing to protect us at any cause.
"One more step, traitor, and I'll cut you into pieces." Mr. Beaver threatened walking over to the fox, but Mrs. Beaver quickly held him back.
"Relax." The Fox laughed softly, jumping off of the rock. "I'm on your side."
"Oh yeah? Well to me you look like you were on the other side." Mr. Beaver retorted, whist Mrs. Beaver was still holding him back. The Fox sighed.
"Unfortunate family resemblance." He said, and then faced my and my siblings. Peter still had his arms around Lucy and I protectively, and Susan was pushed behind him. "Are we going to stand and talk, or do you prefer to hide?" We all whipped around once we heard the wolfs approaching.
"Do you have an idea?" Peter asked urgently, and the Fox smirked.

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