The First Prophecy

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

"Come on. It's better not to be out here at night." Mr. Beaver said, as he led us through many more piles of snow, bushes, trees, and rocks. We all looked up as we passed in between two gigantic, stone walls. In between them, right in front of us was a stone archway as well, which we passed through.

*45 minutes later*

It was already getting dark when we stopped on top of the hill from where we could see Mr. and Mrs. Beaver's dam. "Ah. I see my friend wife had boiled the water, we can each get a cup of tea!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed.
"It's lovely!" Lucy complimented from beside me. I smiled down at her, while Mr. Beaver waved his paw dismissively, trying to act modest.
"Eh, it's merely a trifle. I'm quiet busy and don't have time to finish it. Besides, no one's going to shoot from it." I chuckled, and looked back at Susan, giving her a comforting smile.

*1 hour later*

'Well, you're back finally!" We all heard the voice of Mrs. Beaver coming out of the dam. "What is wrong with you?!" She exclaimed, coming out into the snow. "Oh wait a second, if you have been with the Badger again I'll-" She stopped abruptly and gasped once she saw all five of us walking down the hill towards the dam. "Oh. Oh my... If anyone was to tell me this would happen I would have never believed them." She said in awe, and then her eyes landed on me. "Anna?" She asked, in a quiet voice, and all of my siblings turned to look at me, whilst I stepped out of line and bent down to hug Mrs. Beaver, who hugged me back tightly.
"Hello Mrs. Beaver." I said, and she smiled at me once we pulled away. I then stepped back into the line, and she turned to her husband.
"Look at my fur! You could have given me ten minutes of warning!" She accused, making Mr. Beaver chuckle.
"Oh yeah. I would have given you a week so that you could get ready in time." He joked, making all of us, except for Edmund, laugh. Mrs. Beaver than turned to us again.
"Please, please, come inside. Don't stay out in the cold like that." She then turned around to walk back into the dam, and as she did so, she faced Mr. Beaver. "Take care of our guests. Have some manners!" She scolded him in a hushed tone, making Mr. Beaver chuckle nervously and look back at us, gesturing for us to go in. I looked at my siblings for a second, and then walked inside, quickly followed by Susan, Lucy, and Peter. "I'm sorry about this mess. Can't get Mr. Beaver out of his chair." Mrs. Beaver apologized and laughed, as we all put our coats on the rack. Edmund soon joined us, followed by Mr. Beaver. Lucy, Peter, and I all sat at the table, whilst Susan was warming the tea and herself by the fire, and Edmund was sitting on the staircase near the exit.
"Is there nothing we can do to help Mr. Tumnus?" Peter asked, as Susan came back with the teapot and sat down next to me, pouring each of us some tea. Mr. Beaver was grabbed his beer and sat down at the table in front of us, whilst Mrs. Beaver was warming up the food behind Lucy.
"They took him to the Witch's castle. And once you get inside, it's very hard to get back out..." He stopped for a second and looked at Lucy and I. "Sometimes impossible." Lucy and I frowned, and she looked down with tears in her eyes. I looked down as well, and Peter grabbed Lucy's hand in comfort, whilst Susan wrapped her arm around my shoulders. Mrs. Beaver must have noticed the tension, because she quickly came forward and put a plate with food in front of Lucy.
"Fish 'n chips." She said, and chuckled nervously as she looked at her husband for a second. She then turned to face Lucy, who looked down again. "Don't worry, dear. It'll be alright." She comforted placing a paw on Lucy's shoulder, making her smile. Mrs. Beaver then turned to Mr. Beaver. "Stop worrying them!" She scolded, making him spit out his beer, and look at us.
"Oh no, I've got good news too!" He exclaimed happily, and then looked at each of us. "Aslan is on his way." he said, and all of us looked at him. My eyes widened slightly. I knew who Aslan is. I have heard many stories about him. The sound of his name brought a certain warmth to my heart.
"Who's Aslan?" Edmund asked rudely, making all of us look at him, and Mr. Beaver laugh out loud as if that question was the funniest thing in the world. Of course, all Narnians knew who Aslan was. As did I. But my siblings haven't been to Narnia before, and it was understandable that they didn't know.
"'Who's Aslan?!'" Mr. Beaver mocked and laughed, but was hit by his wife, who must have noticed the blank looks on my siblings' faces. "What?" He asked, and turned to look at us as Mrs. Beaver gestured for him to do. "You seriously don't know?" He asked on disbelief.
"No. We have been here for barely few hours." Peter replied, and Mr. Beaver looked at me.
"Do you know?" he asked, and all of my siblings looked at me.
"Yes." I nodded, and he nodded, before looking back at them.
"He's our, well, boss. I mean king. He's the rightful ruler." He explained.
"He's not been here for many years." Mrs. Beaver said, and her husband nodded.
"But he's back. And he's waiting for you at the Stone Table!" He exclaimed. That shocked me a little. Why is he waiting for us in particular?
"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asked, equally as confused.
"People, what's with you?!" He exclaimed, and faced his wife. "They don't even know the prophecies!" He exclaimed in disbelief, and Mrs. Beaver put a paw on his arm to calm him down.
"What prophecies?" I asked, and they both looked at me in shock.
"You don't know either?!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed, and I shook my head slowly. "Ok. Aslan's back. Tumnus is arrested. The police is going crazy!" He counted out slowly, making sure we understood everything. "All of this is happening because of you!"
"It's our fault?" Susan asked in disbelief, and Mrs. Beaver quickly shook her head.
"No, it's not a fault. It's a favor." She said, and we all looked back at Mr. Beaver again.
"Ok I quote:
'When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone,
sit at Cair Paravel in throne,
with the power of the beauty,
the evil will be over and done'."
"That doesn't exactly rhyme." Susan noted, and Peter Mr. Beaver both rolled their eyes.
"I think I'll go insane." Mr. Beaver muttered, before looking sharply at her. "You're kind of missing the point!" He looked at Mrs. Beaver, shaking his head in disbelief, and she put a paw on his shoulder once more to calm him down.
"An old prophecy states, that two Sons of Adam," She gestured to Peter. "And three Daughters of Eve," She gestured to Lucy, Susan, and I. "One of whom will have magical powers, will defeat the Witch, and bring peace to Narnia." She explained, and Susan and Peter looked at each other.
"You think it's about us?" Peter asked hesitantly and in disbelief.
"Well, it's not about us! It's you Aslan had gathered an army for!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed.
"An army?" Lucy breathed out and looked sharply at Peter and I, whilst Susan quickly looked at us as well.
"Mom has sent us away so that we wouldn't get involved in the war." She said, and Peter and I shared a quick look.
"You must be mistaken." Peter said. "We're not heroes. None of us have any magical powers." I saw Mr. and Mrs. Beaver exchange helpless looks, and glance at me from the corner of my eyes.
"We're from Finchley." Susan added. "Thank you for your hospitality but..." She started and got up. "We really have to go now.
"You can't just leave!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed when Peter got up as well.
"They're right." I backed Mr. and Mrs. Beaver up.
"We have to save Tumnus." Lucy agreed with me, and Peter looked at her exasperated.
"What can we do?" Peter asked sharply, and then we all looked at Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. "I'm sorry, but all have to get back home. Ed." We all looked at the staircase where Edmund was sitting, but he wasn't there. I quickly got up and looked around the dam. "Edmund?" Peter asked, and I faced him, the look in my eyes obviously saying everything. Edmund was gone. Peter looked at Susan, and then at me. "I'll kill him." He growled.
"You may not have a chance. We all looked at Mr. Beaver as he said that. "Has Edmund been to Narnia before?"

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you liked this chapter!

FAITH | Caspian X [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora