chapter six- i wanna be a hunter

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You smile as Cas and Dean walk into the other room, Dean's arm around his Angel. You look up at Sam, "We did good today." You say. He nods and smiles at you, "Yeah, we did."

You and Sam hung out together the rest of the day and so did Dean and Cas. Since they weren't in the bunker anymore, you figured they had gone out to get something. You and Sam talked for hours on end about your lives. Even though you knew his story, you listened intently just to hear him talk. Shit, I'm falling for him.

"Hey Sam?" You ask quietly, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Yeah, (Y/N)?" He asks, looking over at you.

"Can you maybe.. train me? Like in combat and stuff?" You ask, looking up at him.

He frowns a bit, "I don't know if that's such a good idea (Y/N).." Sam trailed off.

You sit up and face him, "Sam, c'mon. I know about pretty much every monster out there and how to kill it, I'm just not strong enough yet. I want to become a hunter, and hunt with you." You say.

Sam sits in silence for a few moments before signing, "Okay, fine. But we can't tell Dean that you're training. He won't want you to become a hunter. You got that?"

You nod happily and kiss Sam's cheek. You get up from the couch and bound downstairs to the basement floor of the bunker.

Sam gets a bit flustered when you kiss his cheek, but he smiles. He likes you, but he'd never let you find out. You wouldn't feel the same way. He gets up from the couch and follows you downstairs. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he is greeted by you pulling him to the shooting range. "Can I shoot first?" You ask excitedly, scanning his eyes.
Sam grins, he can't believe that you're so excited to become a hunter, even after you knew what you were getting into. "Sure." He said. He went over to the rack where they kept their guns and pulled out a silver pistol and two pairs of muffs for their ears. Sam handed you the gun and you took it happily. You put your pair of muffs on and he puts his on. You aim the gun and shoot the target. You hit the chest on the first try. You shoot again and hit the head. Sam whistles, he's impressed. "I did archery growing up, this is pretty similar to that." You smile and hand Sam the gun and muffs back. He puts them back on the rack and turns around, only to see you weren't there. He ran up the stairs, calling your name. You weren't there. He then ran upstairs and checked all the rooms except for his. He opened the door to see if you were in there, only to see that you were changing your clothes. You shriek and he quickly closes the door and blushes, hard.

A few minutes later, you came back out of Sam's room. You were wearing tight workout shorts and a Star Wars t-shirt that Sam bought you. You had taken off your makeup and put your long hair up in a bun. You smirked slightly as you walked out and saw Sam, "Had to sneak a peek, eh?" You ask sarcastically.

Sam stutters, "Uh-um.. N-No, that's not what I was trying to do." He said

"I know. I should've told you where I was going. I wanna practice fighting." You say, looking at Sam

Sam nods, "Okay, yeah. That's fine."

You grin and walk away, happily bounding down the stairs and then down the next flight. You go into the combat room and wait for Sam, who wasn't far behind you. You and Sam walk over to a mat.

After a few hours, Sam had taught you a few moves and you were learning by the minute. I'm gonna be a hunter.


A/N; sorry about this short chapter. It's more of a filler for the next one.

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