chapter five- a ship has sailed

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You slowly wake up from your deep slumber. As you open your eyes, you realize that you're in Sam's room. Did he put you here? Where is he?
You reluctantly get up from the soft bed and tie your hair into a messy bun at the top of your head. You leave the room and head down the stairs.
"Morning, sleepy pants." Dean calls from downstairs.  As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you realize that Cas was there. He looked at Dean, puzzled, "Dean, I don't get that reference. How can pants be sleepy?" He asked. Dean looked up at him, but didn't answer his question.

You walk into the kitchen because you knew where it was and got some water. A few moments after you got water, Sam walked into the kitchen. "Sam, where did you sleep last night?" You ask.

"On the couch." He replied

"Why did you do that? I would've gladly slept on the couch."

"Because I wanted you to be comfortable." He says

You blush as Sam said that. He was so thoughtful. You didn't say anything after that, but smiled at him. He smiled back at you and walked over to the fridge, "Do you want breakfast? What do you like?" He asked, looking over at you.

"I'll have whatever you're having." You say

"So eggs?" He asks

You nod and smile again at him. Dean and Cas come into the kitchen and pull Sam aside for a moment. You stand there, pondering on what it could be about.

They all come back into the kitchen and Dean starts to talk. "We think there's a case a few towns down. Cas and I are gonna go check it out and Sam is gonna stay here with you." You nod, wanting to protest saying that you'll be fine by yourself, but you knew Dean wouldn't go for that since he only met you yesterday. Dean grabs his keys and his jacket and walks out of the room, Cas following close behind him. Sam walks back over to the fridge, "Still hungry?" He asks. You nod and he smiles, getting the eggs out and starting to cook them. You go into the other room and sit down at the table. The bunker was quiet without Dean there, but it was nice. The only sound you could hear was the sizzling of food on a pan and the occasional pan or plate clanking.

Around 10 minutes later, Sam came over to the table and set down a plate of scrabbled eggs with a piece of toast in front of you. He also brought over a cup of coffee, which was much appreciated. He sat across from you with the exact same food. You smile at him, "Thank you." You say, before picking up the fork resting on the plate and taking a bite of the eggs. You had to be completely honest, these were the best scrambled eggs you've ever had in your life. You didn't know what it was, but it was delicious. Maybe it was just because Sam made them.

After the two of you finished eating, Sam picked up the plates and went into the kitchen to wash them. You follow him into the kitchen to help. Sam cleaned the plates while you dried them, it worked out pretty well.

Sam looked over at you once you were done drying the last plate. You look up at him, "What?" You ask.

"Nothing." He replied, looking away once more. "Can you go out in that? I wanted to go buy you some clothes today, since you don't have any here." He said

"Sam, you don't have to do tha-" He cut you off.

"But I want to. Can you go out in that?" He repeated.

"Yeah I can. I don't want you to spend much money on me though." You say, looking up at him.

He nods, "Okay." He said to you, but in the back of his mind he made a mental note to not do that.

You smile at him and then walk out of the room. He follows close behind you. "We have to walk, is that okay?" Sam asked, looking at you

You nod, "Yeah, that's fine. It gives us more time to talk, right?"

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