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Sulli didn't come out of the room since their kiss had happened. Sehun was worrying for his wife, he couldn't stop walking back and froth in front of her room.

Suddenly, the door opened and then Sulli found him at the door. They stood like the statues staring at each other without any words.

" What are you doing here?", she asked trying to avoid his eyes.

" Are you ok?", he asked still looking at the girl.

" Why wouldn't I?.. It's already 3. Won't you leave to fetch Seli?", she asked.

" I didn't notice that time had gone that much..", he murmured alone. And then, " Alright.. So I'm leaving. Take care.", he said and went to get the car key and left the house.

As soon as he left, she started to roam around the house. She touched the painted wall with her fingertips while walking along the path.

But she stopped at so sudden, there was something in her mind to tell her to stop.

They started taking the boxes of distemper from the storage room. They coloured the house into sky blue and changed the wallpapers in their rooms. Sehun looked at his wife who was colouring the wall, he smiled as an evil plan popped out of nowhere.

" Ssul." , she turned to look at him when she heard him.

" Yah.. what are you trying to do? ", she asked as she took the steps backwards. He smiled and took the steps forwards to her who was trying to escape from him.

" You can't escape from me, Mrs. Oh." , he said and waved the painting roll to her.

" Yah, Mr. Oh." , she immediately turned to run to downstairs and Sehun followed her with the same speed she was using. Their laughter covered the world and he hugged her waist from back as soon as he could reach her.

" Stop, Oh Sehun.", she laughed when he tickled her unstoppable.

" I don't want to~~ ", he said in the teasing tone.

" Wahhh!", they stopped as soon as they heard that crying from upstairs.

" Seli!", Sehun immediately let go of her and ran towards the upstairs where his naughty daughter was.

" You're the best daughter ever, Seli. You saved me." , she murmured and followed her husband.

As soon as she opened the door, she found Seli kicked her dad's nose with her small leg. She immediately ran towards them and picked the baby up into her arms. " Seli, you can't kick your Appa like that." , she said.

" I'm ok. It's not hurt." , he said looking up to them as he was sitting on the bed.

She smiled and took her small hand into hers , " Seli, you can't kick him like that. You've to hit him like that. ", she hit his cheek and forehead with her small hands. The little girl chuckled at their parents.

" Yah..", Sehun pouted.

" What are they?.. Why these blury memories keep disturbing me?", she leaned her back against the wall and sighed.

She went to the bathroom to wipe her face with water. But actually, she just wanted to wipe her thoughts away.

She looked herself in the mirror, her eyes narrowed. These voices .. That voice singing a song..

While the machine was washing their clothes, they prepared to wash their blanket. They got into the wash basin ane stepped on their blanket together. Sometimes, Sehun sang along with the 'Baby' song which was playing in their living room, out loud. Sulli couldn't hold her laughter for seeing the stupid side of her husband.

I'm your Missing Memory (Sehun | Sulli )Where stories live. Discover now