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The couple headed to the Hitachi Seaside Park at the morning time. Since that park is not in the Tokyo, they had to use the train, to Katsuta first.

" Wow.. It's my first time to ride the train ..", said Sulli while her eyes were roaming around the view, from the window.

" Are you kidding me?", Sehun asked her surprisingly.

" I'm serious.", she said.

" Yah.. Don't fool me, I had seen you in the Seoul Station at the first year of our highschool..", said Sehun, smiling.

" Do you forget that I'm missing my memories? It's before I lost my memories.. How can I remember it?", said Sulli.

" Ah.. Right.. I forgot it for a while.", Sehun pressed his lips into a line.

" .. So you haven't ridden the car either, right?", asked Sehun.

" Yeah..", Sulli nodded.

" But you can ride the bus?", said Sehun, thinking their journey to Kiso Valley.

" Yeah.. Bus and car are different.. I'm ok with the bus..", she said.

" So, let's ride the car when we're back ..", said Sehun, he just wanted to do all with her, what she hadn't done before.

" .. No.. I can't..", Sulli rejected directly.

" Why?", he asked confusedly, he didn't know about her trauma.

" Do you forget also the reason of my amnesia?  It's because of the car accident..", said Sulli.

" But you don't need to be afraid.. It was an accident.. and it can't be whenever you're in a car..", said Sehun.

" ..I just can't, Sehun.. I'm afraid even if I step near the cars..", she said.

Sehun sighed and said, " Ok then.. I won't force you..", then he took his earphone out and put the right on her ear, the left on his.

A frown formed on her forehead when she heard that 'Baby' song again. She immediately pulled the earphone out that caused her husband to look at her.

" What's wrong?", he asked.

" I said, I didn't like this song. Why are you forgetting all about me?", she snapped in a louder tone.

" Then why?", he asked.

" I don't know.", she pouted
annoyingly. But Sehun knew well, her mom told him once that 'Baby' was her favourite song before the accident and she used to listen it everytime she was in the car. So that's that. She must be listening it either at the day of her accident.

He put the earphone on her ear again, but this time he stuck his plam with the earphone on her ear, so that she couldn't pulled it off again. But that caused her more annoyable.

" What's wrong with you?", she asked angrily.

" Listen to it carefully.. The lyrics are like my feelings to you..", he said cupping her cheeks with his palms. Her anger faded away when she saw his soft eyes. She looked outside the window when Sehun released her cheeks. Sehun took her hand into his and interwined each other.

After a while, Sehun started to sing along with the song. Sulli turned to look at him, " What's wrong with you, actually?", she asked. But Sehun kept singing along.

" Yah, stop it.", Sulli tagged his arm when she noticed that other people were watching them.

" Yah!", Sulli slapped his arm but he singing voice became even louder. Sulli couldn't help but to laugh  when she saw his mischievous smile.

I'm your Missing Memory (Sehun | Sulli )Where stories live. Discover now